Honey Moon

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"God, if you lick me that good one more time I won't be able to breathe!" Lena laughs as Stef comes out from between her legs. Grinning at the woman she grabs the bottle of wine off the hotel night stand taking a sip.

"I didn't hear you complaining when I was down there." Stef teases as she winks at the woman and Lena grabs the bottle.

"Complain about that? Never! Are you crazy?" Lena lifts the bottle to her lips as Stef runs her hand down the woman's bare back.

"Yeah, I bet you won't. And no, but I'm crazy for you, baby. Give me a kiss." The blonde orders as Lena grins at her.

Taking a big sip of the wine she slides her tongue inside Stef's mouth twirling it around and passing the booze back and forth. They both had been rather frisky the entire night and next day as they had not left their room since they checked in after their wedding.

With Tess attending to the kids along with Julius, they had nothing to worry about as the blonde begins to suck on Lena's neck marking it up all over. Her hands roam up the woman's thigh as they sit naked facing each other their bodies warm with lust and sweat. "MM you smell and taste soo good. You know that?"

"MM, so do you." Lena giggles as she leans her head to the side giving her wife full access to her body.  She was so hot for her right now, that she could barely stand herself as she felt Stef lean her back on the bed more. The light skin woman can't help but moan as the blonde licks up and down her stomach and thighs slowly. The foreplay could send both of them into an instant orgasm alone as Lena arches her back just by the touch of Stef's tongue again.

"God, I fucking love you," Stef moans as she pushes hard into Lena, now fucking her hard, for she was enjoying going from making love to fucking her wife senseless.

"Shit....I...I love you! Fuck!" Lena wraps her legs around Stef's body as they rock together, and Stef makes Lena scream her name so loud. It had been years since they had been able to be so free as they had that first week at Gary and Marty's where they had fucked each other senseless and were loud without a care in the world.

"Let me touch you, let me make you feel good baby." Lena growls in her wife's ear now as Stef lay on her stomach and the curly haired woman runs her tongue up her soft back before laying on top of her, wrapping her arm around her and kneading her breast. "Hmm? You gonna let me, baby?" She whispers again against her wife's soft skin.

"Yes....fuck it, Lena! Shit!"

Lena smiles as she feels Stef squirming underneath her, her slender fingers now dipping into the blonde's soaking wet pussy. "You smell so fucking good, baby," Lena runs her tongue along her shoulders as she fingers her hard. "You smell like damn near sex and heaven..mmmm."

Flipping her over, Lena kisses down her wife's body, slowly and tenderly making the blonde quiver with passion and lust. Something only Lena could do and now that they had tied the knot in their hearts it felt their loving making, their sex and their relationship was even more intense then ever. And it was as she heard moans coming from the blonde she had not heard in years. Not in years as she rolled her onto her back licked between her legs over and over.


"Cum, Mrs. Adams Foster...cum hard..."



I proudly hold Lena's hand as we walk downtown San Francisco, for we had come here for our honeymoon. It was rather nice despite it being cold and the last time I was here was back in 1969.

I had forgotten all about that as Mike and I had stopped here before we arrived at the Army base in Oakland. Looking around, I notice it had changed a good amount and we know we are ok holding hands here for we see a few other gay couples doing the same and they would nod and smile. It had been forever since Lena and I had gone out like this and I really couldn't remember when that was last. God was it that long ago?

"I'm sorry it's so chilly today, love," I hold the umbrella over the both of us as we reach Balboa Café for brunch and I pull the chair out for her.

"Oh it's ok. It's San Fran, it usually is. But this is really nice."

"Yeah? I hope you like it, sweetheart." Sitting closely beside her the waitress brings our menus as I hold Lena's hand under the table.

"I'm just surprised we made it out of the room." She giggles softly as we look over the same menu.

"Ha! Well you make it very hard to leave the room, let me tell you, sweetheart. Very, very hard and that outfit you have on is not helping." I say eyeballing her for Lena was always one to dress classy and it was such a damn turn on I didn't know what to do with myself. "And in case I didn't tell you, you were so beautiful on our wedding day."

"You were too. You really were. And you told me many times." She says cupping my cheek as I look deeper into her warm eyes that were so soft and beautiful. "So what do you want to do, baby?"

"MM, I had a crazy idea that I'm not sure you are up for." I say deciding to order a croissant and sipping on my coffee as Lena furrows her brows.


"Well, why don't we head over to the base." I suggest as she looks at me surprised. "I know you went a few years ago but I um..I don't know. Would you want to?"

"Sure. I'm not opposed to it, honey."

"Yeah? I wasn't sure how you were going to feel."

"Well, I think it could bring back alot of good memories,  babe. But what sparked your interest to go?" She asks sipping on her espresso as I smile.

"MM, just when we had our ceremony the officiant was asking us when we met and it just got me thinking. I just was wondering how I'd feel going back and seeing the place we fell in love."

"Are you sure you didn't fall in love with me at Gary and Marty's?" She teases as I laugh hysterically.

"You got me, Mrs. Adams Foster!"

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