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"What happened? What happened? Are you babies ok?" I ask nervously as I run to the kids and Lena after getting home and hearing a voicemail on the machine about a kitchen fire in the bakery.

The kids had gotten a good amount of smoke inhalation so it was necessary to take them to the ER to get checked out, but Corey had been nowhere near the fire which was raising questions in my mind. I would address that later as the kids hug me tightly and tears roll down my eyes as I can only think where the hell was Julius. Was he ok? "Are you babies ok? Are you? Lena!! Are you ok, love, sweetheart! MM?"

"Yes. I am. I'm ok." She says getting up as I hold my arm out for her to come to us. Hugging them all so tightly I kiss each one of their foreheads as I lean in and kiss Lena's lips.

"You sure you are all ok? You are ok? What happened?" I ask as Stefanie has tears rolling down her face as well as Frankie and Callie. "What happened, sweethearts? And Corey?"

"He's with Julius." Lena says softly.

"Are they ok?"

"They are fine. They weren't in the building when it happened."

"You were all alone?" I ask looking back nervously at the girls as they nod their heads.

"We tried to put it out, Mama. But it was too big and we were looking for Corey but he wasn't there and we thought he was. And..." Callie is blubbering hysterically now.

"Ok. It's ok." I say gently pulling Callie in for a hug as I can see the girls are beside themselves.

"Mama the kitchen is messed up. It is. And we couldn't find Corey. We screamed and screamed for him, and I almost died, but Stefanie tackled me and saved me," Frankie cries as I can see how her emotions have taken over completely as Lena hugs her and tries to sooth her the best she can.

"It's ok, sweetheart. What matters is you are all ok. That's what matters most." Lena says as I hold Stefanie and Callie close to me wondering what in the fuck happened.

"I'm so sorry, godmommy. I tried to use the fire extinguisher, and I don't know how long we were in there. We weren't thinking. We just had to save Corey," Stefanie now cries in my shoulder as I can feel my own tears falling down my face.

"It;s ok babygirl. It's ok sweetheart." Kissing her forehead I hold the girls even tighter as my heart is both breaking and angry for why the fuck were they alone.

"Mrs. Adams Foster?" Both Lena and I look up to see a nurse standing in front of us. "We can take the girls back now. We'll come and get you if we have any questions."

I nod as the girls follow her back, and Lena looks over at me. All I can do is motion for her to come over, and I wrap my arms around her, my heart broken. It feels as if it's not one thing it's another, and it takes a damn tragedy to get me to get over my anger with her. I wish it wasn't like this. I wish we never fought if I'm honest, but I'm beyond grateful that my babies and wife are safe as I see Julius and Corey walking back with drinks in their hands for everyone.



"I went to get baking soda, Stef. That's what I did." Julius says as Stef and I are chatting with him in the waiting room as we wait for the girls to be discharged. Corey has gone to the bathroom, and we decided to get to the bottom of things.

"How long were you gone, Julius.Huh? You can't leave them alone. What if it had been worse?" Stef yells now as I grab her hand wanting her to calm down. I know she is upset as we all are but this is not going to solve anything.

"Baby." I soothe as she lets out a heavy sigh.

"Oh you think I wanted this to happen! Oh yes, this is what I wanted to happen! For my bakery to almost burn to a crisp! Definitely! I love it when my bakery is RUINED!" Julius screeches in a high pitch voice as I try to calm him as well.

"She didn't say that, Julius."

"Stefanie is old enough to man it and so is Callie. They are very responsible! I had Corey watching the rolls, and I figured it was fine if I left for 10 minutes. I didn't know there would be a massive line at the store!"

"Yeah where was Corey, huh? You know especially right now he is not be trusted with anything! Much less left alone!" Stef screams again stepping towards the man. "This could have been much worse!"

"Then next time you come and watch him!! I can't watch him 24 hours! Get control of your nincompoop son!" He screeches.

"Seriously!" Stef moves closer to him as I gently grab her hand again.

"Ok you, two. Not here. And Julius we have control over Corey the best way we know how right now. That was a low blow!"

"Please!" He waves storming off as I l let out a heavy sigh. Glancing to my wife, she runs her fingers through her hair as I hold her hand tighter.

"Baby, listen. I don't know what happened. When I questioned Corey he...he was very vague. He said something about being pinned under a bag of flour in the shed out back and screaming for help."

"Yeah, because he's lying. Because that's what he does now. He lies. He lies to your damn face, and you believe every single fucking word!" Her voice raises at me, and I step back.

"Okay, not now, Stef. Not now. I don't believe him. I don't know what to do, but I have half a mind to shake the truth out of him."

"Now you do. After...after all of this, and..."

"So, you ARE still mad at me. You're blaming this on me now? That's convenient. Julius walks away, so attack the boy's birth mother. You know what? I'm done. You deal with the kids. I'm going to stay with Marty and Gary." I snatch my purse and fling it over my shoulder as giant tears sting my eyes.

Of course I know I'm being unreasonable, but through all of this, I didn't think Stef would still be throwing digs at me like this...not at all, and my heart can't take anymore.

"You are impossible, woman, do you know that?" Stef is in front of me now, throwing me out of my blind thoughts.


"I said you're impossible! You're still wanting to run from me, aren't you? Well, you aren't running, Lena Elizabeth. You're not going to Marty and Gary's. You're not going to the beach or...or the store or home! You're staying right here, damn it!" She takes my purse as giant tears are rolling down my face, and she cups my cheeks gently and places her forehead to mine.

"I'm sorry, Stef...I don't know what to do..." I say in a hoarse whisper as I feel her hands run over my waist, and she pulls me into a hug.

"Just...hug me...for now...hug me," she whispers as we stand in the middle of the waiting room, holding each other, lost for words.

"Moms?" We soon hear as Corey has come back, and we know that it's now or never.

Love Will Keep Us - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now