Family BBQ (Part Three)

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"We wanted to talk to you both first before we just approached Stefanie." Tess says to me and Stef as we are all hanging out by the gazebo.

It had been a really nice night except for the fight Stef had with Julius where he walked off. We didn't know what to do with it so we just left it alone for now. In our eyes it didn't seem he wanted to make up with Stef or even hear anything she had to say to him, and if I'm honest with myself, I am done with him.

"Sure about what?" Stef takes a puff of her smoke as I sip my drink.

"Look, you, two, have done an amazing job with her. I know she was difficult back in New York and were are just so happy you were able to help and really get through to her." Jerry says as Tess smiles at the both of us.

"Of course. I mean it took some time but we were and are glad to help." I reply as I watch the kids now roasting marshmallows by the bonfire Marty had started.

"Sure, we are and we love having her here. Frankie and Callie love her being here, too." Stef smiles.

"Oh yes, she showed us her room and loves being with the girls and Corey. It's just that Tess and I want to take Stefanie back home. We think she's made really good progress, and both Tess and I have gotten help in our marriage. We'd love to do it before the school year starts so she can go back to school where we live," Jerry looks between me and my wife.

"Sure. I don't see why not. She's your daughter, Jerry," I look at Stef as she nods her head in agreement.

"We knew this would only be temporary, and yes, her place is with you, guys. You needed our help and we were glad to do that for you."

"You both aren't upset?" Tess says as I look at her oddly. Stef does as well.

"No, love why on earth would we be upset? Am I going to miss the hell out of my godchild? Of course. I love, love, love having her around and here. Even when it was difficult I loved it. And I think it helped her and Frankie as well. Sure, she's my baby, always will be but she's your daughter and Jerry's. And I will always want the best for her no matter what. Now, I'm sure she will miss things and Callie and Frankie and Corey so..."

"Well let me stop you for a second, Stef." Jerry interrupts. "I was talking to Tess this morning and we are talking about moving closer to you guys. So that all the kids could go to the same school, and Stefanie can still work at the bakery when it opens. And you can see her as often as you like. You too, Lena."

Stef can only look to me rather surprised as I smile grabbing her hand.

"We don't want to yank Stefanie out too hard. But I'm happy to commute back and forth to LA and when I'm not around, both her and Tess have you all."

"I can't say we aren't not happy and excited about that." I say looking to Tess who smiles widely at the both of us. "I think that's amazing, right babe?"

"Yeah I agree, I'd love that but...there is one thing Jerry that keeps bugging me."


"I am not comfortable with the fact that we don't pay for this home. I..."

"Stef it's ok..really.." Tess says as I look at my wife and she shakes her head.

We had had a fight about this when we first moved in here once she found out Jerry and Tess bought the home. It didn't sit well with her and I knew it never would and not that it sat well with me either. We had discussed every way possible to even buy it from them.

"Let me finish love. Ok? Look it's not just my pride, but it's who I am. I don't feel right so maybe we can buy it from you. I'll be starting the PD soon so..."

"Wait what?" I ask confused as she turns to look right at me. "When?"

"Um...when I called them today, babe, they have an opening. It's not in the greatest precinct, area but I can interview Monday."

I swallow hard as I nod, happy yet annoyed at the same time that she waited until now, in front of our friends to tell me. This doesn't set well with me considering I know her enough that she did this on purpose...almost as if she knew how I'd respond once I knew what precinct it would be, but that would be for a later discussion.

"That's great, love!" I smile as I kiss her lips and she looks at me knowing that I'm not that excited and have a lot to say. She, too, knows me well, and I take a deep breath as we both look back at our friends. We have a lot to iron out, but one thing we are sure about: things are starting to fall into place reaffirming our decision to live in the place of our dreams.


"Ghost stories? I want to hear one! Please, Uncle!" Corey shouts as the kids were now all sitting around the bonfire, their uncles having helped them make s'mores.

Phillip had talked Julius into staying, and even if he didn't know Stef and Lena that well, he felt that his boyfriend had held this grudge long enough, and he had a plan up his sleeve to get it resolved once and for all. But for now, he was happy to be surrounded by the people Julius called his family.

"Ohhhh, I'm not sure you're ready for this one, Corey. Are you sure you can handle it?" Gary smiles as Marty winks at him.

"He can go to bed, and you can tell us!" Frankie interrupts as Callie takes her hand. "He's a baby anyway!"

"Well, if he goes to bed then I'm not going to tell it. I think it's only fair that you all get to hear," Gary pokes the fire with a stick to move the embers around.

"Fine!" Frankie rolls her eyes as Callie leans in and whispers in her ear.

"Be nice, sis."

"I can handle it! I promise! I'm 13 now, remember?" Corey ignores his sister as he looks at Gary eagerly.

The whole group sat in a circle around the fire, and Gary leans forward. "Okay, everyone needs to hold hands. That includes the adults!" He looks at Julius, Phillip, Marty, Jillian, Sandra, Mike and the kids.

Everyone grabs each other's hands as Tess, Lena, Stef and Jerry carry on a deep conversation up on the deck. "Damn! I might need to leave!" Julius says rather dramatically as Phillip gives him a look in the firelight. "What? Julius and ghosts don't mesh too well, baby!"

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Phillip laughs as Gary clears his throat and everyone looks at him.

"On this very beach back in the 1950s, a group of teenagers came and built a bonfire just like this. Only there was a huge storm that rolled in. Thing is, the teens knew it was coming, but they had stolen beer from their parents and had decided to gather here to see if they could stave off the storm. Well, they didn't know that the waves would get so high or the tides would be so great. As the sun began to set and the storm raged on, most of them were able to get to safety, thinking that all had followed each other. But there was one girl..."

"Oh my god! Not the Siren! HELL NO!" Julius screeches as Gary gives him  look.

"Are you scared, Uncle Julius?" Frankie laughs as the older man begins waving his hand in front of his face for effect.

"I do NOT like where this is going! I've heard this damn story before!"

"Let me finish! Sheesh, drama queen!" Gary rolls his eyes as Julius waves his hands.

"Fine! But you'll be the first one I call in the middle of the night, nutso!" He shouts as everyone laughs.

"Anyway, there was this one girl who was so drunk and so trashed that she didn't realize that her friends had made it to safety and off the beach. Instead, she kept dancing and dancing in the rain, completely drenched and drunk off her ass. Rumor has it she was never seen again, and every time it storms, you can see her dancing in the waves just off the shore right over there!" He points to a jagged point on the rocks.

"WHERE?" Julius jumps up and peers out into the darkness.

"Want me to hold your hand and protect you, Uncle?" Frankie giggles.

"It's not funny! Which part?" He squeals as everyone laughs and Stef, Lena, Tess and Jerry join the crew as Mike had also shown up a few hours earlier. It was a nice night that they all enjoyed as they laughed and chatted all night as the big family they were.

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