Bakery Fight

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As Mike and I stand in line at a little hot dog booth on the boardwalk, I'm thankful that we both are working days this week. With Callie being gone, I have had massive anxiety, and working keeps my mind busy especially when all I think about are my kids lately, whether or not I'm a good parent to them as well as the little boy, Jude. It could make me nuts if I allowed it, but I was working so hard not to let it.

"Nice to be back on days. Those nights were a damn killer!" He says as I nod my head in agreement.

"Tell me about it. Messes up your sleep cycle."

"Yeah, no kidding. Plus, I didn't like leaving Callie alone at night."

"Yeah." I say as we order and grab our food walking over to a nearby bench. "How is she?"

"Stubborn and misses her mother."

"Yeah, I doubt that Mike."I bite into my hot dog as he shakes his head.

"You two are twins in terms of being stubborn. I know she misses you because she won't talk about you. Plus, she misses all of you. Lena, Corey, and Frankie. I heard her talking to Stefanie the other night." He says as I bite into my hot dog again. "Look I know she said a lot of shit that wasn't right. She did and I've spoken to her about it. Many times, Stef. You should come over and talk to her."

"I hope you made it very clear she is not to see that boy."  I say finishing my hot dog as I hear him let out a sigh and I glare at him.

"I made it clear that's off limits right now. And I made it clear she owes you an apology."

"Yeah, well I haven't seen one yet."

"Stef, I know you are Frank's daughter, man do I know it. But she is 15, you know this. You know she didn't mean the crap she said and you know how she feels about you and Lena.  So stop being stubborn and come over and talk to her.  Bring Lena if you need to. Anyway that case?" He quickly changes the subject, for which I am grateful. "From the domestic call where we found the drugs and the little boy? I got a letter that we're due in court next Wednesday," Mike looks at me as I quickly look at him and frown.

"Next Wednesday? I wonder why I didn't get the letter," We both get up as I shove my hands in my pocket. I can't help but think Mike was sent the letter because he wasn't a woman as I clearly am.

"Ya, Captain Roberts actually gave it to me after roll call this morning, and it slipped my mind. So we need to deal with that. I tell you, Stef, I know we weren't perfect parents but we did and do our best because some of these people should just not have children. At all."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"Anyway let's head out Mrs. Foster." He jokes as I look at him rolling my eyes. "Hey, you're the one having people think we are married at work!" 

"Shut up. Like I'd marry you again."

"You would in heartbeat!" He jokes again.

"Yeah, Captain Roberts has a better chance then you do, Mike." Getting in the car I strap my seat belt on as I start up the car.

"Damn, Stef. That's harsh. You mean I'd have that slim of a chance?"

"Yes. And why the hell are we talking about this?!"

"I'm just busting you, but that idiot still bothering you? I told him to lay the fuck off."

"No, he laid off. Only because he thinks you're my husband."

"He's a jackass, Stef. Look I don't know what it feels like to be in your position and I don't pretend to know but...listen I'm here. Just so you know and your secret is safe with me.

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