Chapter 1

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Cassidy Lance was not a woman most messed around with. She was strong, confident, and was the owner of one of the best law firms in the world. She had been given the law firm at the mere age of 18 and struggled to keep it afloat.

See, Cassidy was not someone who desired to be rich or powerful. She didn't care about money, all she wanted was to be left alone. She wished to stay at her home with her wolfsky mix, Diego and watch TV. Sadly, her parents never gave her that choice. She was told to take over the business and not let anything happen to it unless she wished to be disowned. For that reason alone, she kept the business going, desperate to get their approval.

Nevertheless she was stuck running a law firm now. Competing against the Wolf family which was no easy task. The Wolf family easily had more money, connection, better lawyers, and were all around nicer to people. It didn't help that the owner's of the firm lived right next door.

"If I could have your attention for one second Miss Lance," a voice spoke out, bringing Cassidy back to the present. She was stuck in a meeting with the other law firms in the city, including the Wolfs'.

"Sorry I zoned out," Cassidy said as she looked up.

"Ah well of course, you can't expect the young to focus," the representative from the Lee family and firm smirked, having also been the one to have called her out and been speaking. He earned himself a glare from the matriarch of the firm, Mrs. Lee. Cassidy didn't see the point in having a representative when the owner's were usually there, but she couldn't blame others for wanting someone else to do the speaking every ince in a while.

Cassidy knew she was the youngest one there easily. She frowned at him. "Are you suggesting my age is the reason I stopped listening? Because it's simply because you bore me," she said with an innocent smile.

"I didn't realize analytics had to be interesting. Well I guess things are different for the youth," he said.

"Oh no. You simply bore me, your voice is just so....monotone," Cassidy said.

"Well shall I tell it like I'm reading a story? You know, like your parents would have," he said tauntingly. With that, everyone knew he had crossed the line. Cassidy's parents were a touchy subject and those who spoke of them knew not to ever use them against her.

Cassidy could brush off his comments until he brought up her parents. She picked up her ice water and threw it on him cutting off Mrs. Lee from scolding the representative. "Fuck you," Cassidy said as she grabbed her bag.

"Cassidy," Mrs. Lee said as she stared after the young woman. "I'm sorry," she said.

"No Mrs. Lee, I'm sorry. That your representative is such a douchebag," Cassidy said as she opened the door and slammed it behind her.

Cassidy went to nearest bathroom and scrambled into the accessible stall, not noticing that the door didn't lock behind her. She stood there for a moment before sinking down onto the floor with a soft sob.

"It's not fair, just because I'm young doesn't mean I'm stupid. And he had to bring mom and dad into it," Cassidy whispered as she fumbled with her purse, undoing the latch. She pulled out a purple pacifier that said 'Sue me'. She liked the pacifier because of the glitter that was on it.

Cassidy stuck it into her mouth and sucked on it, listening to the soft clicks of it and starting to calm down. She was glad she could bring some part of her coping mechanism with her. It helped stop her from biting herself and it was soothing all around.

'Wonder what everyone would think of me with this?' Cassidy asked herself bitterly. She knew they didn't mind littles, some of the other owner's had a little to take care of but she knew it'd just prove their theory of her being young.

You see, Cassidy was very far into the world of age regression. She had her own playroom, bedroom, and kitchen dedicated to just the little part of herself. She used regression to cope with the stress of everything and everyone pressuring her to be perfect.

Cassidy felt like little her's life was so much better because well, it was. Little her got to be carefree and happy and big her got to be stressed out. The only thing Cassidy didn't like about her little life was the lack of caregiver. She was desperate to have a mommy, daddy, or just a caregiver in general.

Cassidy had finally managed to calm down, playing with a strand of her brunette hair as she hummed to herself. Her head snapped up when she heard the stall door open and her name being spoken.

"Mrs. Wolf," Cassidy said as her eyes widened and her pacifier dropped out of her mouth. Her brown eyes were wide with fear. She nibbled her bottom lip while grabbing her pacifier, shoving it into her purse. She got up to leave, freezing when Mrs. Wolf gently grabbed her arm.

"Stay here and talk to me Cassidy," Mrs. Wolf said. "We need to," she said making Cassidy nod reluctantly.

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