Easter Surprise(Season 7)

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I gather everyone to the shopping district. 

"Okay everyone! I'm excited-" Grian yells egg-sited, I roll my eyes, "to announce our very first Easter Egg Hunt! And yes, the person that gathers the most eggs wins a stack of diamonds." I had to say that or else everyone wouldn't come. "Alright, the rules are simple, you cannot have any items on you except for food and your Easter eggs, so put your items in one of the barrels. When I say go, everyone can start collecting eggs." I wait for everyone to get ready. "Everyone has 2 minutes to get the most eggs. 3, 2, 1, and GO!" I watch everyone speed towards any eggs they see. Now I just have to wait.


I ran off, still remembering the pun I made, my rabbit ears flopping on my head. I worried if it was going to fall off, but I later forgot about them; I found some eggs, until I saw I new building. It looked like a hobbit hole mashed with a rabbit burrow. I looked around, checking if there were any Easter eggs around, or just plain old eggs for the fun of it. As I turned the corner I saw a bunny, but it had a basket of eggs and a flower crown on it's head. It was putting eggs around it's house. It saw me, but didn't care. I watched it do it's business, not noticing what was happening. The bunny turned to look at me, and shrugged. Then I blacked out.


I had collected plenty of eggs when X called us back. I guess our time was up. I flew back to the shopping district, and tried to land perfectly, but failed. Everyone already here was waiting for the stragglers, which I noticed included Grian. I waited by looking at everyone's Easter costume.

Most of the hermits had rabbit ears on them, but some people went further than that, or just different entirely.  Cleo wasn't a zombie anymore, she was RabbitCleo. But she only had rabbit ears and a tail. X changed his Beesuma skin into a Rabbitsuma skin for today. False had a flower crown instead of her usual goggles on her head.

Everyone was back now, except for Grian. X had gathered everyone up already, so I spoke up.

"X! Where's Grian?"

He looked around, and noticed he hasn't there."Alright everyone, looks like Grian's gone missing. We can't announce the winner unless everyone's here, so everyone split up to find him. When you do, please call everyone." And everyone went into their groups to look for Grian.


I jolted up, unsure where I was. I looked around, and noticed that I was in my base, but everything was twice the size as I saw it before. I thought, did the world get bigger? Or did I get smaller?, and looked at myself on the furnace. I gasped.


Me is evil!

This will continue, soon.

Bye that one person that reads this 'cause they were bored/ had no inspiration/ needed some Hermitcraft AU 'cause you read everything already besides this!

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