Ex and X

173 5 2

Thought of this a couple days ago before I slept. I get the best ideas before sleeping.


Hels kicked the stone wall, watching the rubble lift up and secure itself onto the wall.

"It's pointless Hels. Not like we know what's beyond there."

The Wels lookalike sighed, sitting down across from me.

"Stupid Hermits. I can't believe they'd do this."

"I thought in your world the place was engulfed in fire and wars happened almost everyday. Shouldn't this be normal for you?"

He rolled his eyes.

"And I thought being evil was your thing Ex. That stupid Xisuma locked you in here for the same reason as me, we're trying to stop them."

"Not just that. He wants to stay Xisuma."

"What do you mean?"

"You know how Ex isn't my real name?"

"Yeah. And Hels isn't mine but since there isn't anybody else from the Hels dimension here so I'm the representative of the Hels, calling myself that."

"I'm actually Xisuma."

Hels jumped up, surprised.

"Wait WHAT?!"

"Yeah. He's Xarus. I'm Xisuma. But..."

Hels sat back down, his eyes eager.

"Backstory! Backstory! Backstory!"

(AKA what this one-shot's about)

I sighed, smiling at Hels' upbeat demeanor.

"So me and Xarus were twins. He was the older one of us, but would always cause mayhem that I would be blamed for. Our parents would sometimes mix up our names, which was what happened before we left home...


"Xarus, why wouldn't you let me correct Mom and dad?"

"Because, Xarus, I'm taking your goody-two-shoes role."


"Xarus Extron Void!"

I cowered when he said my full name, minus the Xarus part.

"You will do as I say, right?"

"Y-yes Xarus-"

He gave me a cold glare. I was fearful, we were just starting out in the world.

"I mean yes Xisuma..."

He continued to stare me down, until he gave me the chaotic smirk he usually did whenever he was caught doing something bad.

"Good. Now, leave."

I didn't even look back...

(end of flashback)

We both were silent. Hels looked at me.

"What is it?"

"So do I call you Xisuma or..."

"Just keep calling me Ex. It was the short version of my middle name after all..."


He started laughing, falling over.

"It's not funny!"

"It just sounds hilarious!"

I glared at Hels, which only made him laugh harder. I heard the swing of an iron door, turning around. Hels stopped laughing, cowering instead.

"I guess it's my turn to have fun with you two, huh?"

The winged hermit smirked, summoning a ball of fire. Dread replaced the embarrassment I felt.

"Well, let's have fun you little 'heroes'."

yeet I'm lazy and won't put an a/n
complain as much as you want see if I care

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