Corruption Notes Part one

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If you've read the corruption teaser, the title will be changed and I am adding the roles of everyone. Why? Because I want tot. Obviously I won't work on it until The Unlikely Crossover is finished, which will take a while. I might pause The Unlikely Crossover when I finally get all the characters in(and if it was a real server, oh the LAG!!!). Still, if you want to be a part of The Unlikely Crossover or want your fave YT person/group, you still have time! I want about 10-15 Wattpad users A.K.A. you guys, and maybe 1-2 YT groups/people. I have people in mind, just trying to figure out a couple of things. Well enough of me talking and boring you to sleep, lets get on with this! Also, vote for a title:

Hollow Heart

Corrupt Heart

Corrupt Mind

Set up is like this:

hermit - hero/villain/civilian - hero/villain name - power/specialty - WILL/WILL NOT draw

Grian - hero that turns into a villian - Shadow(idk bc everyone already stole the good ones) - Watcher magic(basically purple void fire, look at my drawing. NOT THE COSTUME), WIINGS(that's how I like spelling wings now), psychic powers, invisibility - WILL(maybe lots of pics)

Mumbo - civilian that turns into a hero - idk maybe Kinker?, part of the Architect Duo- redstone is literally in his blood in this AU, so maybe he has amazing trap skills and can access any redstone anywhere within the city - WILL NOT( I have no idea what he looks like, so you guys can draw if you want)

Iskall - hero - The Iskallium Soldier, part of the Architect duo - great with a sword, is normally seen in an Iskallium suit, kind of the replacement of Iron Man just change him to a Iskallium green, he has no rocket boosters and instead elytra, and add a sword - WILL NOT(mainly because I already described him for you, also in this world iskallium is NOT slime, it's a green mineral that's as hard as diamonds, but as flexible as gold/slime)

Doc - villain - The Doctor (I just now realized I put a reference here on accident. Oops!)- experimented with himself, became a creeper cyborg hybrid, doesn't necessarily have powers, just messes around with potions, occasionally asks one of the other villains to test them - WILL NOT(I mean he looks like his MC skin)

False - hero - Shaded Spy - The black widow basically - IDK

Stress - anti hero - Ice Queen, one of the Anti Queens - has ice powers, can make living ice which is ice in a mob/person form that can move, talk, etc. - WILL

Cleo - anti hero - Mob Queen, one of the Anti Queens - can control any mob, can mutate zombies, can summon mobs - WILL

That's all I'm putting. So until then,



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