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just a random list of headcanons by moi.

Now, organized in no particular order, here I go-

(when you listen to too many podcasts in your dad's car and you quote/replicate one of the podcast's intro on accident/purpose-)

-Evil X's name is Xeno. Will be featured in a new book. Middle name is Blade. Full name: Xeno Blade Void. Xeno and Techno are in no way, shape, or form related, just wanna point that out.

-Grian has two sets of wings, one as a moth and one as a bird. Don't ask how he switches between them

-Philza Minecraft is still a Soul Reaper(if you do not get this I swear to Notch-
I'll explain if you ask)

-All the sorties ain't short as you think, They're in the 5' range and 5' range only. Everyone else is at least a head taller than them(6' or taller range)

-With the whole server ordeal:
>If it's a public server then ppl can go in and out via portal/communicator as they please
>If it's a private, but not whitelisted, server, then all you need is a link/invite
>If it's a private AND whitelisted server then you need an IP address, invite, and the server's protection system will know whether or not you should be in the server via username. Depending on the protection system, it'll either be easy or incredibly hard to hack in. Servers such as MCC, group-only servers(example can be Maya's server), or Hermitcraft have super high protection systems, SMPs like X-Life or Dream SMP have high security, and low-level/new servers have low security. Protection can also be determined based on the admin.

-The main hub where ppl can gather is just called the HUB. Mods can be purchased here, or if you want only one certain thing there's such thing as Mod Shops. Mod Shops have the certain Mod's items/blocks/mobs, and you can purchase one. Please note that they cannot be brought into servers/worlds unless you have the mod installed.

-If one has more than one server they belong in, they will get an apartment room in the HUB. Apartments can be customized as they please, but any mod items they want must be bought in Mod Shops. Otherwise they can use any non-mod items to decorate.

-Dream is a shapeshifting blob that can change size, shape, color, and appearance. He can keep a certain shape for as long as he wants. During shapeshifting, he is still capable of getting hurt, but if he is shapeshifted during that injury he can easily heal. However, quite like an untrained Ditto in Pokemon, his face will forever be a derpy looking smiley face(like on his MC skin). He wears the smiley mask so no one has to see his face, although the mask looks quite like his normal face. Don't ask me why he does that.

-The Crimson Egg is a fully sentient being and will kill if necessary. It can absorb the Dream SMP members, although Sam Nook can't be affected too much. Maybe it's cuz he's half Tom Nook, and Animal Crossing characters can't be harmed too much.

-Tommy's just an ordinary kid, same with Tubbo. Forced into wars, they don't seem like kids, but they are 100% children whether you or they like it or not.

-Time and space can be easily messed with if one has the powers to do so. To get said powers, one must be a Time Lord, have time travel powers, can traverse in space, or have the legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia. To get Dialga or Palkia outside of the Pokemon Universe, you need someone who can travel between universes, which is a whole other story.
Now, about messing with time, if one slight thing is changed... for example Tommy was a year younger/older, then everything in the Dream SMP would be wack. If Tommy was younger, maybe the wars never could've happened because he could be recognized as a kid more. If Tommy was older... well lets just say he'd count as an adult and more wars would've happened, and maybe pointless, childish things wouldn't have happened. See, you mess with one thing and it changes everything.

-In a certain universe far, far away... Wattpad is a legitimate planet. Hermittpad would be a country in the continent of Fanfiction, and each division/section of Wattpad is a state(in USA terms. In other terms each one would be a sub country or something idk I'm a fudging American so I know nothing).

-Covid in this headcanon exists...
BUUUT it's a more mild thing like fevers or the flu. Basically Coivd is already tamed, bada bing bada boom.

(More headcanons to be added.

also to those who thought I had left, surprise I'm back. Kinda sad no one realized I did come back... b*****s)

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