Not HC Wrath

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"How'd you get such good armor?!"

"Scott! He has everything! Just go ask him for upgrades."

"I'll contact him. Thanks for telling me!"

"No problem!"

'Hmmm, Scott, I wonder who he is...'

I giggle, making the humans freeze in fear. I go invisible, leaving a small puff of smoke. I close my eyes, teleporting to the other human I had been watching.

"Alright and, aw dang it! Guess I have to go to Scott's..."

'Yes human, bring me to this 'Scott''

The human taps something and vanishes. I teleport to him, silently following. The human first enter a house, says hi, exits, then goes up some stairs and into a hole. I enter the hole, and watch him trade with another human.

"There we go, now back to my house. Thanks Scott!"

I hear someone say 'Your welcome' and then the human leaves. I go down, but then I enter the house. I see a new human walking back and forth, bringing items from one place to the other. They mutter something, humming a tune.

'So this must be 'Scott'... Thanks humans, we've found our target.'

I giggle, and poof away, hearing the human yell something.


"That demon baby thing scared the life out of me!"

I put my hand onto a table, calming myself down.

"Well, got to get back to work!"

I continue fixing up my storage, hearing people enter my area to grab something, then leave. Of course I'm polite and say hi or bye to whoever comes.

I put the last item inside it's chest.

"Whoo! Finished. I should go take a nap."

I go upstairs and plop down onto my bed. I hear a giggle from somewhere, but ignore it. I close my eyes, trying to ignore the noises in my room, one being the creepy giggles from those demon babies. The noises get louder, until I can't handle them.


There's silence, but I hear someone asking if I'm okay. I head to my window.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Probably just tired."

I get back on my bed, finally getting some sleep, when I find myself back in the end, but it looks odd.

"Wha... where...?"

The area looks like a nether fortress, but using many of the end blocks. There's no other way to go, and I have no tools, so I venture deeper into the hall.

I enter a room that looks normal. I look around, and the entryway is blocked off.

"Great, now where am I supposed to go?!"

Right when I say that the demon giggles start up again.

"Ugh, what do you demon babies want?!"

"We want you to be our leader..."

I look up and a demon baby, well it's eyes, comes towards me. I step back, but it just comes closer.

"What do you mean?!"

"We want you to lead us, command us, and, have our powers."

Despite my gut yelling at me to not trust it, I smile.

"Tell me more."

The demon thing looks like it smiles, and then sends out a whistle noise. Then so many more demon baby things come out, surrounding me. My mind and gut keep yelling at me that I made a mistake, but I ignore it.

"So is that a yes?"

I bring the courage to say 'yes'. The demon thing starts chanting something, and I black out.

"Hey, uh, Scott, are you okay? Megan said you yelled something at nothing, so I came to check on ya. You okay?"

I look out of the corner of my eye and I see Fwip.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure? I saw you just staring at the wall."

"I'm fine."

"Okay... I'll just leave you here..."

Fwip leaves, and I smirk. I go downstairs, grab some blocks, tools, and lassos, and go back inside my old basement.

"Well, time to start."

I take out my pick and axe, and start renovating my new base. My mind is yelling at me to stop, so I do. I then summon up a ball of magic from those demon babies, launch it at the wall, and warn the server.

"Be prepared X Life, because I'm going to be in control now."

END! So yeah, this isn't a HC fan fic, it's an X-Life one. So to explain where I got this, I was just thinking about if Scott, or Dangthatsalongname, were to take over the X-Life server because he's the most OP, I think. And I was also thinking about those eyes that they keep on seeing that do a creepy laugh before vanishing, and they also do a jumpscare sometimes.

Now about X-Life, it's a MC SMP made by Scott, where everyone starts at 1 heart, then when you die it becomes 2 hearts, then 3 when you die, and so forth. Once you have all 10 hearts but you still die, you leave the SMP. Just a little explaination sooo...

I hope you liked this story, bye!

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