More Grians?! Part Dos

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Also quick note I mostly do Grian based things mainly because his channel is the only one I watch, so if you REALLY want something else then tell me about them!!!!!! Please I beg of you.


Grian brought his creations NPG(Npc Grian) and RG(Robot Grian) to Hermitcraft, and had arrived to the Sahara meeting room, but before they could discuss what the urgent meeting was about, Doc and Scar crashed the scene.


There was an awkward silence, until Doc decided to break it. "Scar," he said questionably, "why'd we arrive now instead of earlier?"

Scar responded, "For content purposes!" Then a buzz came on everyone's communicator,

<Xisuma- Scar, please stop breaking the fourth wall.>

Mumbo commented, "How does he know?"

<Xisuma- Because I get a notification if anyone if breaking the fourth wall, and then I get to hear what's going on.>

Scar sighed, "Fine. For dramatic purposes."

<Xisuma- Thank you.>

Awkward silence rose yet again, so this time I broke it. "What do you mean 'Grian and clones are now under Area 77 property'?" Doc answered, "Because I saw three Grian lookalikes just fly right above me. And on top of that you're the only one listed as a player, so the other two are clones. Plus, anything odd counts as property of Area 77."

I shook my head, "They aren't clones, they're just robots I made in my own private world." Iskall and Mumbo nodded.

"Well, where's your proof? Exactly! You can't bring us into your private world, because there is none. Now Grian, you can do this the easy was, or the hard way."

I hesitated, then put some rockets into my hand and flew off, hearing Scar say, "Welp, he chose the hard way." I heard a bow and arrow being brought out, and an arrow flying right in my direction.

<Grian was shot by GoodTimesWithScar>(Look idk if Scar's bow has a name.)

I respawned in my base, with Doc waiting. "Come on, Scar has all your stuff. I brought your clones to Area 77 already." I wanted to say that they weren't clones, but kept my mouth shut and followed reluctantly.

Time skip brought to you by Area 77


I was guarding the cells of the two Grian clones when Doc came with Grian following close behind. "Hey," I said walking to Doc, "What took you so long?" Doc replied with a sigh, "Well, it turns out flying with someone holding onto your arms across an ocean is...difficult. Let's just say Grian's wet not because it was hot out. You know I completely forgot I had another elytra." I laughed. Grian was just staring at the ground. "Come on Grian, into the cell. You should've been here earlier because of that time you glitched, but that didn't last long. Anyways, welcome to Area 77, and you're probably not coming out to report to your hippie friends anytime soon."

Time skip that is way too early but I don't care!

A few days later, after Grian got settled, I asked him a couple questions, such as "what machine did you make", "where is it", "do you still have the plans somewhere", those questions. He didn't answer , mostly with a head shake or a nod, but the "do you have the plans somewhere" question he laughed at. After he stopped laughing he replied, "You'd never be able to get the plans, they're in a whole other world. Weren't you listening?" 

Doc flew in and said, "He's right. I checked everywhere, up until I almost couldn't find my way back, but as you can see I did."

There was awkward silence, but there shouldn't have. One of the clones Grian called "NPG" should've whined about not being able to build a rustic house, even though we gave him small pieces of wood to toy with to prevent damage. I checked back and saw the clone lying on the floor near the wall. I checked his pulse instinctively, them remembered that these clones had no pulse, that's one of the reasons why they're not players. 

Grian peeked out of his cell and said, "Oh. Is NPG not bustling around? That means the timer's done, which means he's out of juice. You're going to have to put a door inside him, along with a potion of swiftness and a lingering potion of harming."

Doc immediately took advantage of that and said, "Only if you build a cloning machine for us!"

I turned to Grian. He sighed and said yes. I opened the door to both Grian's and NPG's cell. I brought Grian to the experimentation room while Doc put the items into NPG. The clone snapped back up right as the door cell closed.


Doc came following and said, "Alright, can you make the machine?" I nodded, even though I hadn't. But I did have an idea for making a ego divider(in this AU anyone with a seperate skin or persona, has an alternate ego, with the exception of Ren's new clothes tailor Grian gave him but not Renbob), something that could separate an ego from someone.

I got to work, and in a few hours an odd machine was built in the middle of the room. "I should probably test it," I said to no one in particular, even though Doc was in the room organizing the stuff. I popped inside, and yelled at Doc.

He turned and saw me waving and pointing at the little instruction manual on the desk. He read it, and pointed at himself. I nodded, and he started the machine up. A couple of minutes later another me was there, just that he had a chicken head on. Both of us were shocked, and then settled down. 

"Okay, I don't know why the machine chose you as the ego to be separated, but oh well, we'll force him to keep this a secret," I said to Poultry Man. Or is it me? I don't know, but he agreed and together we knocked on the door. Doc opened it, and we came out. Doc had a surprised look on his face, but it quickly went away as he said, "So you didn't make a clone maker, you made a Poultry Man summoner!"

I rolled my eyes as he went back saying, "Actually, you made an ego divider! You go back in, I want to see if this really is an ego divider."

Still, I went in, he turned back on the machine, and this time there were two Grian's that came in, one that looked like a phantom and one with Mumbo's mustache.

We came out, and Doc started laughing at the sight of a Grian with a mustache. Scar obviously came in to see what the commotion was about, then he started laughing too. Now in the room were the two Area 77 men, Grian, Poultry Man, the Phantom Menace, and Mustached Grian.

We kept playing around with the machine, and soon in the room were Hippie Grian, Sherlock Grian, the Grian reporters, Demise Grian, Ariana Griande, Guinea Pig Grian, The Grianch, Salesman Grian, Tailor Grian, The Salmon Ghost(who only had a salmon head, otherwise he's fully transparent), G-Team Grian, Incognito Grian(when he snuck into Team STAR's base to get the first flag), Saturated Grian, Backwards Grian, Upside-down Grian, Sideways Grian,The Phantom Menace, Mustached Grian, Poultry Man, Doc, Scar, and of course, Grian.

Doc and Scar left the room with Scar saying, "I'll let you guys talk with each other, you know, Grian to Grian."

They closed the door and left us Grians just standing there. But Scar came back, pushing NPG and RG into the room.

There was silence for a minute, then we all started laughing and talking with each other. This is going to be a long day, I thought

And I'll end here! Should I continue? Tell me if yes or no. Also why are people reading this?! Are you just bored because you read everything else?!  If so, great, but why me, I am trash!

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