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Sets in S7

Xisuma Pov

I glide above the cow-mercial district, taking a look at the shops from above and enjoying the view. I look at the Diamond Throne that the future mayor will get to sit in nested inside the town hall, the bundle of small shops, the giant flower monster, the ever-expanding barge, the mayoral support counter, the looming Grumbot in the distance, the hot air balloon with a Scar head, the floating magenta and purple castle on a cloud with the same colored ballooons, and the four decorated end crystals in the middle-ish of the entire area. Wow is the community getting creative. Soon, I get a quick notification from the game.

[Unidentified Entity has entered the game]

There are a couple worried messages in the chat, but I reassure them by telling them I can deal with it.

I land on top of the town hall and open up the system settings and such.

"Hm, it doesn't say what this entity is, nor where... Huh. That's strange. It has part of my code-"

I hear a sword being taken out behind me. I turn around and there is someone that looks quite like me but it isn't. I can't put my finger on why it's familiar though...

"Hello, Xisuma."

Now I remember! "Evil Xisuma. I thought I locked you in that infinity world!"

"Heh. Well thankfully for me there was an exit, but since I'm just an ego that was locked in there I found my way to make a body. All it took was a life..."


"No one... Just an innocent NPC. Or at least I believe so."

"At least it isn't a person. Still, why are you here?!"

"Well, I first checked your Season 6, but since that was filled up by your fans, I had to hack into your data to find you. Sure, I could've hurt you by messing with your code, but it's better to hurt you in person."

I take out my sword, but then he puts away his. "I thought you were here to perma-kill me. Or at least lock me in the infinity world."

"Oh no, I'll do much worse. I'll kill you, but then make you think this is a dream, but then this'll happen over and over and over and over, I'll kill you each time differently, until all the pain catches up to you. Then, I'll perma-kill you. But... as you respawn I'll... change something. Making your life way worse."


Evil Xisuma then runs behind me and kicks me into the water. I try to swim up, but he send me down further. My vision blurs, until the last thing I hear is Evil Xisuma.

"Let's start simple. 'Xisuma drowned.' Then we'll work our way up."

I wake up in my bed. I look around.

"Huh, just a dream..."

I grab my helmet, but it isn't a bee anymore.

"Eh. Probably just a glitch."

"Or Is It?"

The room starts glitching out, and instead of my tower I'm in a nether fortress.


"I said we'd start small. Now, let's get to the good bits."

I start running, typing in a help message but then my communicator glitches away. Then the fortress floor glitches away, making me fall to my death. I look up and Evil Xisuma is there, smirking.

"'Xisuma fell from a high place.' Not too bad."

3rd Pov

'Xisuma drowned.'
'Xisuma fell from a high place.'
'Xisuma tried to swim in lava.'
'Xisuma went up in flames.'
'Xisuma burned to death.'
'Xisuma discovered the floor was lava.'
'Xisuma suffocated in a wall.'
'Xisuma was shot by Arrow.'
'Xisuma was shot by Skeleton.'
'Xisuma blew up.'
'Xisuma hit the ground too hard.'
'Xisuma fell off a ladder.'
'Xisuma fell off some vines.'
'Xisuma fell off scaffolding.'
'Xisuma was squashed by an anvil.'

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