Medieval Hermitcraft Pt. 2

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You know what since there is already magic I might as well include Kingdom of Valor into this.

Catch up time!

After the whole robbery, Grian lives in the tiny little area he found, collecting and 'borrowing' materials to make a shack. In the past few weeks, he has been lucky that no guards have found him yet, but he might when some familiar people come and stay at the town for quite some time.

With the other hermits, Xisuma has been getting more and more reports of robberies, and sends out a daily sweep to find the robber. He and EX have been taking note over what the robber steals to figure out who the next victim is. They have pinpointed two places: Sahara for food and Ren's shop for wood.
Scar has made progress and has made a pair of attachable glider wings he dubs 'elytra'. He gives Xisuma plenty, and X then delivers one to all of the hermits, including an instruction guide.
All the shops selling rockets are booming, sometimes quite literally.

Iskall's Pov

I walk along the top of the wall, watching for any visitors even though we are quite secluded from most places. I get to the gate part of the wall, grab the chair, and take a seat, watching the sun set behind the on-going forest of spruce trees.

"Uh, hey! Uh, could you open the gate? We need some shelter for the night."

Visitors? Huh. I get up and go to the side where they are. It's a duo. One has white rabbit ears and is wearing a blue cloak. I can see a weapon sheathed in it's holder, so I better be cautious. The other is wearing a black cloak and it's covering their face. The person also has a dagger tucked away on his belt.

"Huh, so a knight and a ninja. Hey! State your names!"

The bunny-eared one responds. "I am Sam, and my buddy is Taurtis. We were, uh, sent on a mission but we ended up lost, but we found this place. Could we enter now?"

Well, us hermits are welcoming, but I'm still a bit skeptical about them. I grab a sheet of paper and write a note to X saying 'Two people came to the wall and asked to come in. I let them in. Could you talk with the two visitors tomorrow? I'm skeptical. -Iskall'.

"Yeah sure! Lemme just get down first."

I go down the ladder, handing the note to one of the guards.

"Could you bring this to the prince? Thanks."

The guard leaves as I open up the gate, letting the two in.

Sam Pov

Taurtis and I walked into the town. The guard at the gate comes over to us.

"Hello, I'm Iskall, and you can get a room at the inn near Sahara. Just find a shop that has a sign that looks like sand, and go to the building across that. Well, I better get back to the wall."

"Er, could we see your king? You know, to introduce ourselves?"

"Don't worry, I already told the ki-prince. You can talk with him tomorrow."

"Ah. Wait, prince?"

"Yeah. The king died of old age, and the older prince isn't of age yet, so maybe in a few years we'll have a king. I will see you tomorrow."

Iskall starts climbing back up the ladder.

"Well Taurtis, let's go to this inn."

Taurtis Pov

Sam opens the door to our room, letting me go in first. I slide off my hood as Sam takes off his cloak.

"I'm going to change in the bathroom."


I slide back on my hood while Sam goes into the bathroom. I take out my daggers, inspecting them while thinking about something. Or well, someone. Soon I hear a clatter outside the window. I write a note to Sam saying to stay inside the bathroom until I send an 'okay'. I slide it under the door, then hiding in the shadows of the ceiling.

The window opens, and the robbery happens in a blur. The person speedily grabs Sam's cloak that he left on his bed, then ditches, leaving a piece of paper on the bed. I write on a separate note saying that the robber is gone, then I slide it under the door once more. I grab the note the robber left. It says, 'I won't be there when you visit the prince, try to stay awake!'.

"What does that even mean?"

"What are you talking about Taurtis? And what did the robber steal?"

"It's, nothing Sam, and the robber stole your cloak."

"At least it isn't my(I forgot what weapon Sam had so... insert Sam's weapon here!). Good night Taurtis."

"Good night."

Sam gets into his bed and falls asleep. I don't though, I just lean on the wall, staring through the window.

'I should probably sleep, but then again I never have been able to...'

I lie on the bed, thinking about our adventures.

Time skip next day!

After Sam and I get dressed and leave the inn, making sure not to aggravate anyone, we make our way to the castle. Thanks to some directions and villagers pointing our way, we get there safely. The guards let us in, and we are met with a soldier that has a different set of armor, one that looks more historical.

"You must be the two visitors, I'm Wels, Xisuma and EX's personal guard. Follow me to meet the two."

Sam and I are confused. "Who's EX?"

"The younger brother, although technically he's an alter ego of X, and yeah stuff happened that made EX become X's brother."

Sam and I exchanged glances. "Okay..."

We follow Wels up some stairs, pass some soldiers and villagers, and soon enter a room. There is a table, three empty chairs, and two are already filled. The center full chair is housed by someone in some kind of green suit, and on his right is someone in a light blue shirt with an odd symbol and jeans. The right one is holding a paper and pen, so he's probably the scribe or something.

"Ah, Wels, you brought them in. Sit, sit, and we can talk."

END! The last sentence makes Xisuma sound like an actual king or something. Nothing else to say, I was listening to a song while writing some of this. I won't say the song title, but the lyrics have 'OwO' in it. Idk why I typed that. Eh. Word count is 1071


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