Closet Journal

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Yes, this is in weeks and not days, I like it that way. Also I made some stuff out as I went on so... :)

Week 2

I've been stuck in this closet for 14 days now. I'm being forced to write chapters for my stories.
My captor has been feeding me only oreos and water, I hate it. I never thought I'd be tired of oreos. I'm not allowed to sleep, even though I never can, but my captor does. I'm going to try to escape and send a message to my followers, wish me luck journal.

Week 3

I managed to escape and send a message, but my captor grabbed me and brought me back in. She saw this journal, but said nothing. Maybe she thought this was where I wrote down little notes.
I hope my followers can come rescue me, as I get the very short breaks to check up on things, I can see their replies.

Week 4

My captor is finally feeding me something that isn't oreos! They're just potato chips, but at least it's something new! But I still only get water...
I managed to get to post one announcement since I got some chapters out, and now that I see the replies I can tell they really wanna rescue me. But my captor has teleporting powers, so I don't know if they can. One of them is asking if they should bring in the hermittpad heros, I'm not sure yet.

Week 5

My captor noticed that my followers are starting a rescue team, so she's moving me. By moving I mean teleporting me to a new, slightly larger closet. She's giving me double stuf oreos now, I'm getting sick of them. I just hope that I will be let out any time soon...

Week 6

As I write this, I am watching the hermittpad heros battle my captor, as well as the hermittpad villains. She must be part of them then. My captor looks at me and teleports me to somewhere new, and by the look of this place I'm underwater. I hope this journal doesn't get wet and ruined.

Week 7

The doorway to this place is locked up pretty well, but there is a mini fridge here with ice cream, water, and some sandwiches. My captor came and said that she's watching me from afar. She said that if I don't write I don't get a sandwich or ice cream, just bread and water like one of those prison interview places with one way glass.
I'm not allowed to have any contact except for the occasional comment about random things I see.
I wonder when I'll be allowed to go free. I wonder where I am...

ANND I'm gonna end these journal things here. Lols to thathermitweirdo(tags ain't working for meeeee-)and I think WeirdDeadMemes. Sooo, yeah... bye...

A new story will be coming out I swear-


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