Sleep-Deprived Assassin

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S7, perma death is rare anytime but is most seen at night, which is why building/redstoning and like 1 AM is a HUGE no-no. Also being sleep-deprived can hurt you, but it's like hunger so if you sleep it stops and it only takes half a heart per. This may become canon to my stories, but it's just canon for the story. If you like the idea you may use it just give some credit.

Doc Pov(something you'll very rarely ever see here)

I take a stroll through the cow-mercial district, looking up at the moon. I take a look at the shops, all closed or out of stock, or just open 24/7. I look around, trying to find any hermits despite me knowing there won't be any.

I hear a bubble from under the waters, meaning someone was spying on me. Most of the hermits are asleep, and those that aren't are probably trying to do more redstone or their mega-build. I grab my nearest sword, which is my special one that I only use for... special occasions... that literally has Sharpness V or VI or even VII I forgot. I don't care, I need to defend myself. I get into an attack stance and ready my reflexes for an attack. I hear some munching, a sign that the attacker is eating, and I take that chance to shove my sword into them. But I end up slashing the water.


I hear the attacker's sword swing at me, so I bring my sword to clash at theirs. I can see they are wearing full black or navy clothes and mask so I can't tell who is attacking me. They jump back, I do the same. We stare at each other for a bit, then I grab my trident and launch it at the person. They clearly weren't expecting that, seeing as they try to dodge but get hurt in the process. They take out a bow but I summon back the trident and pin the attacker down.

"Who are you and why are you attacking me?!"

I hear a snicker from the person and they point up. I see an arrow that has a poison tip coming right at me. I don't have time to move so I instead pierce my sword into the attacker as the arrow lands on me. I flinch, taking damage slowly. I sit down and look at the person. They look way more worse, but then they start taking damage out of no where.

"What? They must be hungry or..."

I grab out my ender chest and dig around for a bed. I get some bits of wool and wood.

"This'll do."

I make a bed and grab some of my golden carrots. I also look back into my ender chest and grab a spare potion of healing. I go over to the person and put them on the bed. They don't struggle, so I pull the cover over them.

"Could you remove the mask?"

The person doesn't respond, but I can tell they are sleeping. I slowly remove the mask, and who do I see?


The gremlin is still fast asleep. I sigh.

"I would ask you why you were doing this, but since you're asleep I'll look for clues on you."

I look through his pockets, trying to find something. There's some chorus fruit labeled 'Wizard Fruit', probably from Scar, which may be why he disappeared when he ate it, one poison tipped arrow labeled 'In Case Of Emergency', a sword not named 'Swordscribe' but instead 'Assassins Blade', a bow labeled 'In Case Of Emergency, a bag where is normal clothes are, and a letter. I grab the letter and read it.
'Hello Grian, we are requesting an assassination for DocM77. Please perma-kill him this week, or else. Thank you.'

"Who wrote this in the first place?"

I look at Grian, then back at the paper.

"Well whoever sent this should've asked someone else. Well good night Grian, I'm heading home."

3rd Pov

Doc grabs out his rockets and flies through the nether portal, not knowing that a tracker bomb has been put on him. Grian silently watches Doc go into the nether. whispering something before going back to sleep.

END! I have no idea how this happened, but all I can say is another story somewhat like this is coming soon.


Word Count: 713

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