Random Prologue/Story Idea(#1)

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3rd Pov, focusing on two of the three ZIT bois

Impulse watches as Tango finishes up putting away stuff in shulker boxes. He mines up the last one, putting it away. Tango sighs, putting on his elytra as he walks over to Impulse.

"Hey Tango, what's up? Since we got here you've been looking sad."


Tango looks up at the huge ravager head he'd created a while back.

"I'm just upset that Decked Out didn't get to have enough time in the world. And I had put so much time into it."

Impulse puts his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's upsetting we had to leave so suddenly."

"Why are we ditching Hermitcraft anyways?"

"I don't know, I heard from Bdubs that Scar talked with Xisuma about this, and he said that the world is glitching and slowly ruining itself from the code to the world itself. And he had to, sadly, put the setting onto hardcore mode just to stop the glitches from spreading."

"Oh god. Can't we just reset?"

"That's what I asked! And Bdubs, and Scar apparently. Xisuma says that he has to make a whole new server."

"Ohhh. That's why he said we need to get a single-player world ready before we move out."

"And apparently we're allowed to bring things from Hermitcraft to the single-player world."


"Anyways, you ready to go?"

Tango nods. taking out a rocket. Impulse does the same, and they both take off into the sky after a couple rockets being used up. They fly by Toon Towers, and Impulse notices Tango isn't paying attention.

"Hey Tango! Tangooooo! HEY TANGO LOOK OUT!!!"

He snaps back into reality, but flies straight into one of the towers. Tango starts to lose altitude before falling to the ground.


Impulse lands, running over to Tango.


He fumbles out his phone/communicator, typing in all caps for help.

Impulse> HELP
MumboJumbo> where r u?
Xisuma> coming now, where r u?
falsesymmetry> coming impulse stay calm

He sighs, calming down. Impulse looks at Tango, trying to get him to wake up.

time skip let's say... 30 minutes? still 3rd pov, but no more focusing on peeps

Joe flies into the main building of Toon Towers, taking out both splash healing potions and normal healing potions. In the room with him is Xisuma, Impulse, False, and Tango.

"So how's Tango doing?"

"I don't know how he did it, but he got himself unconscious."

"Can't we, just, wake him up? Or bring him with us?"

False shakes her head.

"In order to leave, the person has to be wide awake. "

"Well, can we wait for him to wake up?"

"Sorry Impulse, but no. There's no way to now when he'll wake up, and we have to get out fast. I don't know how long it'll be before this glitch takes over hardcore as well."

He sighs.

"Well, I guess we'll have to leave him..."

"When I figure out what's causing this glitch, I'll find a way to get Tango back."

They all get Tango onto a spare bed, then take off.

Well, this was a random idea a got right before I went to sleep yesterday. This was entirely done in a day, which is why it sucks.
Anyways, you can use this idea and the prologue if you want, just credit me.

About the AU/Story. I'd call it an apocalypse, but it's more of a Glitched World AU. So, Hermitcraft suddenly gets an odd bug/glitch, idk how you decide, and it starts to act like a parasite. It eats away the the code, making it so that errors would happen. But, the world will only be affected if the gamemode it's on hasn't been corrupted by the glitch. After all the code on the inside gets destroyed, it then gets to enter the world, eating away at certain blocks and items.
So, Xisuma sets it to hardcore, because it's the last to be normal, and everyone has to pack up and go to a single-player or SMP they have.
Then we get to the main point of the story. Tango wakes up in Toon Towers, but he doesn't know that because he's lost his memory. He knows basic aspects, but has forgotten his name, Hermitcraft, his friends, and the fictional mobs that Minecraft has brought into the world. Then you can just continue the story as he tries to figure out Hermitcraft.

GOD that was long. byeo-

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