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(Not hermitcraft but if you still want read)

3rd Pov

A pink haired girl runs into an underground base she has, hopping onto her chair.  She types as if her life depends on it, and when she finds what she's looking for, there's silence. Getting up, she grabs a bag and pats the head of her dog.

"You can watch the base, right?"

The wolf barks, and then the girl runs off.

ꖎ╎⨅⨅╎ᒷ pov

Running up to an old friend's door, I start to knock on the birch doors. They swing open, and peeking inside it looks like no one has been in it in a long time. As I walk inside I sneeze from all the dust. I check the first floor, on the left is a cute living room and on the right is an art gallery. A staircase splits the two in the middle. Then I walk up to the next floor, on the right leads to a small kitchen and to the left leads to a closet and a balcony. I walk onto the balcony, listening to the faint words my friend would say to start a video. Checking the closet, there's nothing except for a worn out pair of leather boots. Next up is the third floor, the entire floor being taken up by a bedroom. The bed is messed up, blankets on the floor, and the pet beds are no where to be found. Lastly is the roof, I hope that she's up there.
Going up, and she isn't there. A telescope rests on the rooftop, as well as a small garden.

I sigh, going all they way back down. Then something hits me, the basement! Of course, it's not really a basement and more of a sanctuary/storage room. I run down, passing all of the chests and walking into the room where all her cats are. Thankfully, they all are safe and chilling in the Kitty Caverns. I walk over to the closest one, giving him a fish. The cat is grey, and the collar says their name is Ragnar.

"Hey there Ragnar, do you know where Stace is?"

He purrs, licking his paws,

"Is that a yes?"

Ragnar looks at me before running off. Leaving the cavern I then enter the Dog Castle, lacking the dogs of course. I take note of everything before going back up, texting a couple people.

Lds⍑ᔑ↸𝙹∴ꖎᔑ↸||> Can you guys meet up in my treehouse?

Lds⍑ᔑ↸𝙹∴ꖎᔑ↸||> Make some tea if you'd like.

G∷ᔑᓭᒷ∷10> Okay...

⋮𝙹ᒷ||⊣∷ᔑᓵᒷ⎓⎓ᔑ> sure!

Aᒲ||ꖎᒷᒷ33> K

ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑᒲ!¡||ꖎ𝙹リ⊣⍑ᒷᔑ↸> Already on my way!

I⍑ᔑᓭᓵ⚍!¡ᑑ⚍ᔑꖌᒷ> I might be late, but comin!

(names are galactic cuz why not?)

I climb up the ladder, hearing my friend's voices.

"Hey Amy be careful!"



I hear the sound of something spilling, and when I pop my head out of the trapdoor a pink haired mermaid hybrid had accidentally spilt hot tea on a brown haired orange tabby hybrid. That same cat is now in the arms of a robot. An annoying one in fact.

"Get off me Stampy!"

"It's not my fault hot tea spilled on my tail!"

I laugh. The robot actually has a human soul in him, but we haven't figured out how to get him into a body. Stampy on the other hand was an orange tabby with a human soul, but then using magic we turned the cat into a human hybrid.(eyyyyy headcanons)

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