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Edit: I am too lazy to make an og one-shot book as I only have this and another in mind, so skip this if ya want, idc.

(My first non-fan fiction in here. Just an idea I had. If you would like me too I will continue.)

??? Pov

I speed down the sidewalk and dip into the alleyway. I stop and lean on one of the building sides to take a breather. Soon I hear more yelling.

"I saw someone like that run that way!" The man points into the alleyway I has hiding in. I hear my pursuers calling for me.

"Sia! We know you're there! We've got reinforcements at the exit, so there's no escape. Just come with us, or else this'll be like last time.

I shudder at the thought of them having to use a sleeping dart on me, but I wanted freedom, something I always wanted but never had. I stay where I am and think, letting them come a little closer. 

Do I want freedom or harm?

I choose freedom, and using my very well hidden wings I fly up to the roof of the building. But my flight was short-lived as a dart hit my wings and as my sight darkened I feel myself fall.

(Time skip)

"So here's her files, and contact me if anything happens."


"You don't have, experience with her. And she's only been in my orphanage, so know one else knows what to do. Well, I guess this is where I leave."

"Okay. Bye!"


I hear a door close as I open my eyes. I'm lying down on a couch and I'm in a whole other building. I can tell mainly because there is this odd smell in the air. I get up, swish my invisible fox tail at my back, checking for my hidden wings, check if my cat ears are also invisible, and look at my surroundings.

The room is a nice green, which I won't normally say unless it's pastel or lime or both, and there is a wooden ceiling fan that has warm lights. There's a carpet in the center with some younger kids talking, and a couple of tables and chairs along the walls. The flooring is hardwood, which will satisfy my needs for sliding around in my socks. There is also a lady sitting at a table, looking through a file, and notices that I'm awake. I instinctively hide myself in the shadows, even though I was taught not to use my mag- I mean majik around anyone. After all, no one else had majik in this world, there was only magic which was still rare.

"Oh! I see you're awake. And don't worry, everyone here has magic."

Wait what? I still stay hidden though. "It's majik, not magic... So where am I?"

"You're actually in the new orphanage you'll be staying in. Which is in a whole other city."

"What about the old one? And why a WHOLE DIFFERENT CITY?!"

"Well, the old orphanage shut down because no one had come there for the last three years, and they spread out the kids there to different cities. I can answer a few more questions later once we introduce you to everyone."


"I mean me and my partner, Josh."

Someone peeks out of a room. "Huh? You called?"

"He can hear his name from wherever in this building. And yes, we're going to introduce our new kid to everyone."

"Okay." He goes to a device on the wall and starts speaking into it, which broadcasts into the room and probably all the other rooms.

"Everyone could you please gather to the main room? We have someone new joining! Remember, no going invisible and doing pranks while this goes on, we can track you."

Soon a couple of kids teleport in, some come in naturally, and some just appear from no where. They all gather around the carpet, and when the lady presses a button the carpet rises, becoming a little stage. I, still in the shadows, slink over to her.

"Alright everyone, we have someone new joining! Don't worry, they are magic-"

I whisper, but it travels through the air. "majik."

Some of the little ones freak out, others start activating their magic. "I guess majik? Don't worry, she won't hurt you," they stop worrying and put away the magic, "Actually, she's from a couple towns over, in Inherdahl(Idek). Oops, and I forgot to introduce myself to her. Well, I can't see you anywhere so I'm Lona. Now, could you reveal yourself?"

I still don't want to but also want to spook them, so I make some black smoke and emit it from my corner, then I exit the shadow. From a different point of view it would look like smoke, and then someone appearing out of no where. "Um, hi?"

The kids freak out once more and I laugh. Soon they join in and we're all laughing. The laughter dies down and Lona starts talking.

"So could you introduce yourself to everyone and tell you about yourself?"

I nod. "So hi, I'm Sia. I am a mix of a neko, kitsune, and wyvern," I reveal my ears, tail, and wings in that order, "I have a different version of magic, an old version, majik, which lets me do some of your abilities and void powers, something that was only majik users could do. I am 12 but surprisingly tall, and yep. That's it."

"Alright you can all introduce yourselves personally to Sia later. I'll bring her to her room, and you can all leave now."

The crowd of about 40 disperses, some going back to what they were doing, others coming up to me and trying to talk to me. I see one boy that just stood there, probably fazed and was pushed around be others that just to talk to me, and I wanted to be friends with him first, probably because of my instincts. Lona comes up to my group.

"Well since you have your hands full your room is labeled down that hall." She points to the door on my right. "Hope you have fun here until a magic user comes to adopt you!" Then Lona leaves.

I push through the crowd trying to get to that boy. The crowd pushes in, so I use my majik and travel through the shadows to the kid. Then I bring him to my little shadow realm, which has been transformed into a living room.

"Uh, what happened?"

"Oh my majik instincts wanted me to talk to you, and you seem very familiar."

"Yeah, you do to. So I'm Mark."

"And I guess you know me. So what's your ability?"

"Well, I was born an angel but only got wings. I can also harden light and air, and turn them into things, like a sword or a ball."


"So what's this whole 'majik' thing? I thought that there was only magic around."

"Well, I've been allowed to do extensive research so I learned that magic actually originated from majik, something that sounds similar but is entirely different. The reason why no one knows of it is because the last majik user became a dictator, and almost destroyed the world. When he died, there was no one that had majik left in the world, and everyone soon forgot about it."

"Last thing, why are you a mix?"

"I don't know. I've never known my parents, and I haven't done an ancestor test yet, so I don't know how this all happened."

"Ah. Well, friends?"

"Yep! You wanna meet here sometimes?"


Mark and I high five, then we exit my realm. I speak to myself, something that I always do.

"Well, this'll be great."

END! I randomly thought of this idea and might make this a little mini-series. All characters are mine, and Sia and Mark are my OC's. I realize I never showed you Mark, so I will.


Edit: I am too lazy to make an og one-shot book as I only have this and another in mind, so 

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