Count Mumbo

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First this was requested by DwagonGirl. I did a couple of tweaks to the prompt, but otherwise I followed it. Secondly when I look at the title of this chapter I start snickering. Thirdly, I have edited the More Grians Part Dos, and will be making mini stories after them. Enjoy!


I was lying in a field somewhat nearby Hermit Land, watching the moon rise. I could feel the vampire in me urge me to go and bite one of the hermits. I had been tiding it down by killing so many cows, that X had put a reward for any cows brought to a hidden secluded farm, about 16 diamonds per cow. But of course since I was shown the farm I had been taking the cows from there as well, which then X had put a bounty for 4, or was it 5, stacks of diamonds for the player killing all the cows to either reveal themselves or caught in the act by a hermit. Since then I stuck to eating sheep. I had thought about chickens, but realized Poultry Man would be extremely p***ed, would take me to X, and get all those diamonds.

I stared at the moon, thinking up ways to turn myself back, when a certain hermit called for me.

"Hey! Mumbo! You AFK again? If you are I'm taking your mustache back! Oh there you are Mumbo! How have you been?"

I turned and saw Grian landing near me, and the vampire kicked in. I lunged at Grian, forgetting everything, and bit him on the neck. Grian had no time to react, and then memories flooded back to me.(note I don't watch Mumbo's channel, only Grian's so I'm sorry if something's wrong) When Grian had called me for a Architect meeting in the infinity room, when Iskall and I went to the temporary office with a, um, odd, reseptionist, when Grian put a potato in Sahara's system,when we opened Sahara, when we blew up Ren on opening day, when all the hermits went to the 1.14 village, when Grian converted a normal villager into Villager Grian #1, the build-off that I backed off in, all those fun memories.

I snapped back to reality, and saw Grian in my arms, passed out. I hurried him to my base, but it was too late. I was still a vamp, but Grian now was too. I cried for a second, then realized the perks. We could both terrorize the hermits at night like how Grian terrorized me when he became the Phantom Menace. Grian woke up, and I dropped him on accident.

"Hey! Why did you drop me! Also why'd you freaking BITE me!?!?"

I replied, "Heh, long story..."

Time skip brought to you by Mumbo's story!

Grian contemplated it for a moment, the said, No wonder I want blood. Hey! I have a really good idea!"

I shifted into a cozy spot.

"You know the Demise Manor(Imma call it that 'cause WHY NoT?)?" I nodded. "Well, we could stay there for the meantime and transform it into Vamp. Manor! And then at night (Minecraft) if anyone was walking the streets we could either be the terrors that flap in the night(if you get the reference please comment 'diving into a money bin'. Q: who's your fave in ---- ----? replace dashes with the title if you get it. or the other show, idk) or turn em into vamps like us! Whaddya say?"

I thought about that for a minute, then answered, "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get Vamp. Manor set up! I can remake the old traps to make them mini lever or button activated jump-scares and you can decorate the place!" We high-fived, and went through the portal to get Vamp. Manor ready. 

The end! And please gimme more requests, I am currently reading so many stories and giving them all love. Until then, goodbye!

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