an update

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I've been offline and inactive for quite a while. Why? Well, the computer I usually use for Wattpad is for some reason not letting me use it(no I was not banned from using wattpad it's just tech issues)

so I've been unable to access wattpad and my account.

what about discord? meh, when you sorta leave for a while you miss out and then you're sorta out of the loop and gone and I don't have enough energy to try and figure out the the fudge happened while I was gone so I won't be active there anymore

there's now two ways to contact/interact with me. One is ao3, I have an account there where I'm trying to post Crime and Chaos. The other is Scratch, where I've found Maya(and I'll be spending some time making comics and uploading there so whoooo-)and where I'm usually checking. The ao3 account is on my profile, the Scratch account just search my user there... I think.

I've also kinda drifted away from the DSMP fandom and HC fandom, only kinda tho. I'm more focusing on YTers like Disguised Toast and Socksfor1 which you should deffo check out and maybe see the Socks SMP 👉👈 (aka a way more dramatic, lore-filled, chaotic, deffo-scripted, family-friendly, and prettier build wise(excluding the blown up village but shhhhh)Dream SMP with war already and it's more of a story than an SMP)

(shameless plug lmao)

so yeah. I might pop in once in a while to dump some art into my art book, but otherwise I'm pretty much ded here lmao. who knows, maybe a few years into the future and I'll come back.

ight imma leave now-

imma make this show completed so I can start anew with a new one-shot book later on in the future when I can use this account consistantly

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