Old Arrival Part 1

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(I literally just thought of this yesterday and loved this! This has no relationship to any of my stories, and can be made into a book. I won't but you can. Just give credit. Set in Season 7.)

Grian Pov

The sun starts to set as I land in my hobbit hole. I grab a book from my nightstand and start to write.

Dear Journal,
Life in season 7 is great! The start of many pranks has begun, mini games have been made, shops are popping up, and Mumbo started up something called Hermit Challenges today. I'm still confused as to what it is. I wish Xar was here to see it all.

I sigh as I close my journal. I press a cleverly hidden lever and a hole in the wall appears activated by redstone only Xar could do. After all, he was the redstone twin. I was the building twin. And Ali was the fighter. I grimace at the memories and go to the hole. Inside is a locket tucked away, collecting dust. I grab it and blow the dust away, causing a cloud to form. I fan away the dust and sit down on my bed. I look back at the locket and open it, which reveals a short boy in one side and a taller one on the other, and a secret pocket on each that shows a picture of both boys and a tall girl all in cloaks. I sigh, letting the memories flow into my mind.

~In Flashback/Memory~

3rd Pov

Two boys run down the hall of a large house and to the door. The shorter of the two boys starts hugging his mother, and the taller soon follows. 

"Alright my gremlins, me and dad have to go, but I called someone to see if they could watch over you two."

The twins jump up and down. "Oh, oh, who is it?"


A figure in a dark cloak and mask appears. They remove their mask and a warm smile faces the twins. The twins return the smile.

"Watcher Sis!"

They run up to her and give her a hug. She returns it and when it ends she faces her mother.

"Make sure they don't get into trouble. You can leave when we come back, which will probably be in the morning. Do you-"

"No payment needed, I enjoy being with my two younger brothers. Have fun!"

"Alright. If anything happens-"

"Give them the lockets. I know, I know, now go and enjoy the party."

The sister gently pushes her mom out of the house. The siblings wave goodbye as the car drives away.

"So, what do my favorite gremlins want to play?"

(Time skip next morning, still in flashback, still 3rd Pov)

The Watcher goes downstairs and gets breakfast ready, toast. She pours milk into two cups and coffee in the final one. She eats her piece of toast and drinks her coffee as the boys wake up and come downstairs.(Yeah so the sister is about 17 while the twins are about kindergarten age, but they have been homeschooled. Who are they? Read on to find out)

"Morning sis!"

"Morning! Come have breakfast!"

They go to the table and eat up their toast. The shorter one is about to run off when the taller one stops them.

"Xel, don't forget your milk!"

"Okay Xar."

Xel comes back and finishes his milk along with Xar. They both run upstairs to play whatever game they had planned. The Watcher finishes her breakfast and goes to the living room. She grabs, or well teleports, the remote control and turns on the TV. She switches it to the news program and sits on the couch. It was all the basic things, the weather, some kind of robbery that the admins stopped, until it turned to breaking news.

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