HermitPad Hero Fan Bit

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I watch the moon loom over the big city while I put my sniper rifle down in the grass and loosen my vest. I look at the dandelion puff in my hand. I put it up to the sky and stare at it, admiring it's simplicity. I lie down on the grass and pluck it's tiny little puffs, releasing them into the air one by one. I yawn.

"Huh, I'm getting more tired than usual. Guess I can just sleep here, too tired anyway."

I am about to close my eyes when I hear some shouting.

"Hey guys I found her!"

"Really where?"

"Ahead of you Vivi!"

"Oh I see her! Fox can you come over?"



"I'll deal with Fox, you get Eyepatch Vivi."

"Okay. Hey Patch!"

I sit up and look back. Vivi is flying over to me and Nix(or Ella idk your super name)is flying in the direction that Fox is probably. Vivi lands, folding her wings, and puts her hands on her hips.

"Where have you been?! You've been gone for a LITERAL WEEK! We've been freaking out! Static was gonna KILL us if we couldn't find you, saying stuff about one that needed no forcing except the knowledge of the plan WHAT EVEN IS THE PLAN?!"

"Chill Vivi, you're louder than me!"

I look behind Vivi and Fox and Nix are there.

"Ah, Fox. You recovered from the spider?"


"Chill, there isn't one. But still Patch, why did you disappear and do you know what Static meant?"

I stand up. "I'll talk about it as we get back to Static."

We start heading towards the base. 

"So can you shed a little light on your disappearance and maybe what Static said?"

"Ha I get it, 'shed light' because you're a dark angel."


"I'll... be quiet."

"So I left because I wanted sorta a break. I'm pretty sure I told someone, if I didn't sorry. And about what Static said, I have... some knowledge about it."

"What is it?"

"So you know how most of us were bribed, convinced, or even forced to be part of Static's group?"

"Uh huh."

"I actually volunteered. So before I joined Static I was a lone villain, and since I was curious about Static when he became the most wanted villain, I decided to... explore his base. I had entered the ducts and walls of the base and spied on him. He showed no proof that he knew I was there, but I felt suspicious. After a while he was in a private room, and I listened to him, talking to himself. He talked about a 'perfect world' and 'fixing everything and everyone' and even 'getting revenge'. I also heard his plan for the world, for fixing it and making it perfect. When I heard that plan, I immediately loved it, mainly because of..."

"Past stuff?"

"Yes. I had broke the ducts and entered the room. He was surprised, and his helmet was on weirdly so he must've put it on in a hurry. He questioned me, asking if I had heard it all. I said yes, and he thought for a moment, then was about to speak before I interrupted him, saying these exact words. 'All I needed to hear was the plan, I'm in.'"

"Whoa! Wait, so what the plan? Or did he tell you not to say it?"

"He forgot that part, but I prefer to keep it hidden."

END! This one-shot is set in @thathermitweirdo 's book Hermitpad Hero AU that I'm part of. Hey if you're reading this the little story with my character, the POV, you can make this part of my character if you want, I won't mind. The people I used are Jazthefox16's character Fox, anonyrounmellow's character Vivi, and (idk their username)'s character Nix or Ella idk. The only character that is mine is the POV character, named Eyepatch or Patch. Patch is her villain nickname. Please read thathermitweirdo's books, including Hermitpad Hero AU to see who I am. Hope you liked this little thing!


Word count: 650

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