Medieval Hermitcraft Pt1

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I ran as fast as my legs could, which was sadly not enough. They were catching up, and I didn't want to be next. I turned my head back to see how far they were, and my adrenaline levels went higher. They were about, 4 feet away? Then they shot me with a magic missile. I almost fell over, but I ran faster and soon I saw a flame in the distance. I couldn't hear anymore footsteps, so I must've lost them. I slowed myself down to a walk, and arrived at the wall. I managed to find a river that made a hole in the wall, and swam through.

When I came out from the other side I saw that I was in the alley ways of the markets. I climbed out of the river, dried myself with a nearby cloth, and found a spot to lie down in. There was a dirty blanket on the ground, as well as some bunched up ruined cotton, so I made myself a makeshift bed. I curled up, and fell asleep.

(Now may be a good time to say, 


OOF for some reason I rapped there.

I woke up, and then the adrenaline kicked in when I remembered all that happened.


I opened the blinds from my home and saw two masked figures entering the building. I froze at the sight. They couldn't, they couldn't be. They were coming towards the castle. I ran out to the main room and sent out the signal to the guards. But When I looked outside it was too late. There were fires everywhere, and some blood pools gathering around the corpses of villagers and friends.

I ran back to my room, and changed into the most non-noticeable clothing I had, a red sweatshirt, grey pants, and black shoes. I then exited the house from the back window and ran, leaving a trail of tears behind.

I started crying, all my friends were gone. I guess I could start a new life here, but where to start...

I looked around and saw the closest store, Sahara. I thought for a moment, do I buy something there or steal. I chose steal, mainly because I had forgotten to bring money, but even if I didn't this place might have a different currency. I laughed that I was stealing, something I sometimes did with all my friends.

Which caused the waterworks back up. A few minutes later I wiped away the tears and climbed to the roof of the building. For some reason there was a window in the roof, but that didn't bother me. What did was the fact that there was someone there, with a surprising mustache on him. He was way taller than me, like most people, wore a fancy suit, and was pacing back and forth. There was a knock on his door, and he went to answer it. It looked like he welcomed them in. There was a man in what looked like green armor, a helmet, and had a backpack that had a crown sticking out. 'He must be the king, or prince.' There were also two others, both being boys. One had a t-shirt with a weird symbol, the other had what looked like a replacement eye made of metal.

They looked like they were talking, so I took my chance to steal. I hopped down to the side balcony and climbed to a window that was nearest to the stock, which was, uh, sand.

I went inside and looked around. There was some beacons, rockets, and the main thing I needed, carrots. But not just any carrots, the best food in the world, golden carrots. I grabbed about 5 stacks and headed for the window. But I guess somehow there's a guard system and an alarm went off. I dropped some of the stacks of carrots in surprise. I scrambled to pick them up, and as I left I saw the mustached kid run downstairs. He probably only saw my grey pants, but that didn't matter. 

I ran to my hideout, the makeshift bed, and ate some of the carrots. I lied there, thinking about what I should do. I then thought about the shop I robbed. I laughed knowing that they knew that they were robbed, but they had no clue who!

I hid the carrots in a little cove in the river, and went back to my bed. I sat there, drawing on a sheet of paper with a piece of rock.


I was shocked that someone had robbed us. I mean, how! There was an alarm, a tripwire, and even some traps, but none of them caught the robber. I only saw the robber's black shoes, and that doesn't help seeing as about half of the people in our town wears black shoes.

"Hey Mumbo!"


"The robber only stole golden carrots, nothing else."

"And it looks like they came through the window. That's why he didn't fall into a hole."

"So whoever this is knows what they're doing."

"And they're probably hungry, which there shouldn't be anyone that is, seeing that I just sent out the caring services."(Yeah so X was noticing that there were many townsfolk that were going hungry, and some didn't have any homes, so he got a group together to deliver excess food and shelter items to the poor since they always make so much.)

"So, what should we do?"

"I'll send out a search party for this thief in case it gets worse. For now we should leave it be."


I waved goodbye to X and Joe. Iskall stayed.

"So, guess we should restock?"


I left the building, saying goodbye to Gertrude. I grabbed my backpack, and went with Iskall to stock up on golden carrots.

END! I really like this so far. I now realize that it is half Medieval half Minecraft Age, so all the things that are in Minecraft are there as well as everything in the Medieval age.

Well, until the next one comes out,


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