Old Arrival Part 2

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(continuing the last chapter, yeah we're still in the flashback, it's LONG)

The Primal Watchers step down and go to their rooms, and all the Watchers.

(Time skip about 10 years.)

Primal Watcher Y gets up and uses her magic to talk to the boys.

"Tier 1 Watchers Xelqua and Xarcus, please come to Primal Watcher Z's room."

The boys use their surprisingly strong magic to teleport to the Primal Watcher's room. They look around, amazed by all the pictures on the walls.

"Boys, come here."

They look up and see the two Primal Watchers standing on top of a platform. They summon their wings, Xelqua's being a dark blueish purple feathered dragon-like wings and Xarcus's being a dark redish purple feathered dragon-like wings, and fly up to the platform.

"Watchers, you sister had asked us to bring you to this world when you graduate. So, Y will give you your masks that you must hide whenever you aren't in the Watcher Base, and you must jump into this portal. You will both be normal players, and will be Watchers whenever we need you. Any questions?"

Xelqua raises his hand. "Yes Xelqua?"

"If people come into our world, what do we do?"

"Do not give away your real name. Hide them away, and rename yourselves. Y?"

"Yes. Here's your masks. Hide them away with your magic."

She hands them each a mask seemingly made of bone. It looks like a dragon skull, and is pasty white in color, although there is the iconic Watcher symbol on the forehead part. They take them, and make the masks invisible. They wave goodbye, and hop into the portal.

(Inside world)

The twins see a beautiful plains biome that has a few chests that they had put there when they were little. Xelqua is about to open one when Xarcus stops him.

"Why Xar?"

"Because. We need to make up names for eachother. Remember?"

"Oh yeah! Wait, remember that time when we were pretending to be other people when we were little?"

"Yeah! You called yourself Grian and I was a superhero called Poultry Man, but I never gave myself an alibi."

"Hm, maybe, Alex?"

"Nah, too ordinary. Maybe something with an G because our real names both had a X so we should both have a G."

"Okay! Uh, G,G,G, Guin?"

"Maybe? Gruin, no it sounds like ruin, uh, Gavet?"

"Yeah! It sounds nice."

"Okay. So Grian and Gavet."

"Yep. Now lets get to work!"

(A few years later, inside the world)

Grian is inside their house that he made, with many protection redstone devices and such that Gavet made. They have been having fun over the years. Gavet had left to go and get the news from the HUB, and would be gone for a while. Soon, someone enters their world.

<Tier 2 Admin Xisumavoid has joined the world.>

<Xisumavoid- Hello. Who's in this world?>

Grian remembering what the Primal Watcher said replies with his fake name.

<Grian- Uh I'm Grian.>

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