Back and at it

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I sit up shivering and look around me. Somehow, I am on a bed in a part of the infirmary. I look down at what I am wearing and see that it is a dress. I slide off the bed and make my way to the door, my bare feet padding quietly on the stone floor. As my hand reaches out for the door my gaze caught by something to my right. I turn and look at it only to realise I'm looking at a mirror. My reflection gazes back at me. I turn hurriedly away from it and teleport to my bedroom. I stand in front of the mirror in my bedroom studying what I'm dressed in. A floor length dark green satin dress wearing my magic concealing gloves. Except they are taking on satin green colour like my dress. My hair is wavy with dark pearls woven in amongst my hair. A small silver tiara with a single green jem, sit on the top of my head. Surprisingly I'm wearing make-up.

'What the fuck?' I whisper.

One of my ravens flies down and perches on my shoulder and takes hold of a pearl in his beak. My bedroom door creaks open and I look over my shoulder (the one the raven is perched on) and watch as my father enters my bedroom. He shuts the door behind him and takes a step forward when his head lifts and he looks at me in shock. I give him a small smile.

'Raven?' I hear him whisper.

I give a small nod in answer. Temporarily forgetting how to talk.

Out of the two of us my father is the first to recover. He runs over to me and scoops me up in a hug startling my raven to fly off back to the rafters still holding the pearl.

'Oh my god,' I hear him repeatedly saying into my shoulder as he holds me closely to him. 'I thought I had lost you forever.'

I bury my head into the crook between his shoulder and neck. He nearly did. Although I know I should tell him I just want to savour this moment so I remain quiet and simply hold onto him.

His muttering slowly quietens down and he lets go of me and takes a step back.

'You're back. You're really back,' he says again.

The door opens and Ryan walks in.

'Loki-' he cuts off when his gaze moves onto me. He frowns and lifts his spear.

'Ryan it's really me,' I tell him hurriedly. My father spins around and see Ryan.

'Oh uh...stand down. It seems it is her. Don't say a word of this to anyone yet,' my father orders.

Ryan slowly lowers his spear and trudges back outside. The door shuts behind him and my father turns back to me.

'You should be dead.'

'I know. I cast a spell over Odin and Frigga and it seemed to soften them up a little.'

'You did what now? Frigga? How is she?'

'From the looks of it, Odin was going to kick me out of Valhalla. I don't know where he was going to send me but he didn't want me staying there. Odin was just going to chuck me out. Something but didn't feel the need to follow normal rules because it was just me. Frigga came in and told him no actually he should. They started arguing and then I cast a spell showing them what I'd been through and yeah,' I shrug my shoulders.

Loki's face is eerily still with no emotions.

'Father?' I call out softly.

'That BASTARD!' he shouts. I step backwards, not wanting to see him angry. He stops himself and looks down at me. 'So, he just gave in at the end and sent you back?''

I nod. I'm not going to mention my powers or being a goddess yet. Not yet.

'Well let's go and see Thor.'


Loki spins on his heel and faces me again. 'Come on,' he calls softly.


'Why? So, he knows your alive and not dead and that he can cancel your funeral.'

'You guys never had a funeral?'

He opens his mouth to say something when he stops and looks at me again. He clicks his fingers and appears in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. 'You died yesterday,' he says calmly. 'You weren't gone for a long time.'

'Oh,' I mutter.

He nods and next thing I know we are in the Throne Hall but this time Thor is sitting on the throne. Thor looks up and sees us standing in front of the stairs.

'Brother?' Thor calls out and next thing I know something comes flying down the stairs at us. Without thinking I lift a hand and ice grows quickly trapping the flying object in a large share of ice.

'What the?' both say at the same time except Thor yells and Loki whispers. I lower my hand looking at my work in interest. Cool. Didn't know I could do that.

'You died,' Valarie storms into the Throne room, snapping at me.

'Val listen,' Thor replies.

'No, you lied,' she turns on her father.

'Valarie, I am trying to talk. Calm down or leave!'

'Raven I am over you. Thinking you can break any law.' Val continues to yell at me, ignoring her father.

'You are wrong, you live and breathe on a throne of lies. I want to know what the fuck you are hiding,' I snap at Thor, long forgotten promises coming back as well as the memory of me dying.

'Raven it is not any of your bloody business,' he snaps back.

'Stop,' Val whispers.

'Val...let them go,' Loki moves towards me.

'The rules are stupid. And they are made up on a throne of lies and you know it!' I shoot at Thor.

'They are tradition and need to be followed.' He says, admiring his staff calmly.

'Just fuck it all!' I stamp my foot impatiently.

'You kneel before my throne unaware that it was born on lies.' He roars.

'I don't have to kneel before, you are a stupid, ignorant, idiotic king.' 

'Both of you that's enough.'Val interrupts.

'Valarie just stop.' I call out.

'No, you two are pissing me off.' She yells.

'Valarie!' Thor and I scream. We turn back and continue to yell at each other.

'Dad!' moments later. 'Dad my water broke!'

'We will deal with it later!' he continues to yell at me. 'Wait. Valarie!'

'Thor!' Loki runs to Valarie.

'Wait what did you say Valarie?' I turn around and finally face her.

'Oh fuck. Thor shut up!' I say as I walk over to her.

Alec runs through the doors and pushes Thor out of the way. He helps Valarie up.

'Is there anything we can do?' Thor asks.

'You have done enough,' Alec replies glaring.

'Alec!' Valarie screams. I teleport out of the room and into my bedroom.

Hey everyone. Sorry this part is so much dialogue but i promise the next part will be better.

Loki's Daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now