About my powers?

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A few days later, Val comes back to the castle alone. 

'HOW CAN HE DO THIS!' Val yells as flames leak through her fingers.

'He just needs some sense beaten into him,' I call out as I enter the living room where she stands. 

Val looks around her and spots me. 'Raven!' She extinguishes her flaming hands and runs up to me. She hugs me tightly then unexpectedly cries. Uncomfortable and unsure of myself, I pat her head.

'There, there.'

She laughs at me. 'What are you doing here?'

'I am just letting you know that my father has died.'


'Remember we discussed this.'

'I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD GO WITH IT! Because the idea is completely nuts, what if he doesn't come back?'

'He will. Stop stressing.' I open the door and walk out. I turn and look back. 'Good luck.' I close the door and walk out.  I turn and look back. 'Good luck.' I close the door and walk outside back to where my horse is patiently waiting for me.

A few days later my phone rings as I lie in my room giddy with excitement. I can make portals again.  

'Hey Val,' I answer. I listen in silence as she tells me that she has taken the kid to one of Alec's restaurant only for the kids to be grabbed by the guards. She tells me that they are fine at the moment and that they are with Steve. She also tells me that she can't let it happen again.

'I agree. I'm opening a portal now,' I reply as I end the call. I open the portal next to her.

'The kids are fine now.'

'I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about you,' I reply as I hug her.

'I'm fine. I just need to go home,' Val walks into another room and packs her bags again. I stand in the doorway as Val keeps talking. 'And I can't drag the kids in to it. What if something goes wrong and they are hurt?' She zips up the bags and walks past me and picks up Harper. 'Come on my babies,' Val calls to them as we make our way back to where the portal is still open. The two kids stand in front of it, their little bodies tense and eyes wide open.

'Hey, want to go on an adventure?' I ask them.


'Well let's go,' I say as I point at it. The twins walk in with me following right behind them. As I walk out on the other side I see Thor standing in front of me with tears welling up in his eyes. I wait until Val is through with the baby before closing the portal and leaving the room.

I storm down the hallway ignoring the looks from the guards as I stumble and lean against the wall. I portal outside to next to my bike and jump on. I ride off with only one destination in my mind. 

'Are you for real?' I yell as I storm down the large hall and end up at the bottom  of the stairs leading up to the Throne. 'I don't want to be here!'

'Raven!' someone shouts out my name.

I stop, frowning until I see my father standing hallway up the stairs next to Frigga.

'He had to bring you here so we can talk to you.'

I scowl. 'Fine.'

Frigga walks down the stairs while Loki walks up them. I watch them as Loki stands to next to Odin and talks to him while Frigga stands in front of me. Turning my full attention on to her I take a step back as I see how close she is to me.

Loki's Daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now