Training, castle and swords

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A week later, 'Why is this so hard? You make it look so easy.' I growl in frustration as I drop to the snow in frustration.

'Because I already had some control over my powers.'

'You're only the goddess of fire and healing and part werewolf,' I retort. 'And you were encouraged to use yours. I wasn't. I was kept locked up and hidden.'

'Well it would if I actually knew what you were the goddess of.'

I get up and wave my ice sword around and Valarie fights back with her flame sword. Again, she flicks my sword away and again I stand still watching it as it spins away before I sigh and wipe my hand through the air. The sword shatters and turns into snow.

'I still don't understand why you are doing this,' I groan. 'Why give me another chance?'

She gets rid of her sword and faces me. 'Because I believe that everyone can have a second chance.'

'You've given me a second chance and a third and a fourth and more.'

'Raven quit being moody and focus on fighting.'

'Okay fine. I'll tell you what Odin made me the Goddess of. I am the Goddess of ice, of lies and magic.'

'So out of all of that the only that really is anything is magic. What magic do you have?'

'Shapeshifting, illusions, cryokinesis, invisibility, hypnosis, teleporting, casting portals, mind reading, telepathic and telekinesis.'

She frowns.

'If you don't know what any of those mean go and look it up on your phone,' I snap.

Her eyebrows narrow then something flickers in her eyes. She smirks and holds a ball of flames in her hand.

'Valarie what are you doing?' I take a step backwards clenching my hands nervously feeling the magic racing down my arms. My fingertips tingle with magic and I struggle to hide it. She lifts her other hand and another ball of fire appears in it. I take another step backwards and ice appears under me. Panic fills me.

'Valarie,' I choke out. She studies me before bringing the two balls of flames together and aiming them at me.

'VALARIE!' I scream thrusting my hands down pointing them at the ground. Ice shoots out of them and spreads. Ice and snow spins around like a tornado. The fire disappears.

'RAVEN! WHATS GOING ON?' She screams back.

'I'm losing control,' I sob.

'Odin told you what you can do when you lose control. What did he tell you?' she yells over the wind.

'I...I can build an ice palace,' I shout back. The wind starts dying down at I calm down.


'Valarie. Leave. It's not safe. Go back to the cabin.'

'No. I'm not-'

I stamp my foot and ice shoot out in a circle around me. I shut my eyes and slow my breathing. I can't hide it for ever. All I have to do is lose control this once and then I can learn to control it.

'Valarie RUN!' I yell one last time before I lose control of the magic.

Dimly I hear Valarie screaming out my name.

'No Valarie, go away!' I yell back to her as I struggle to open my eyes to see her. Shes being impaled.

'I'm hurt, please,' I hear her beg. I try to remove any of my powers from around her and I hear her running away. I drop to my knees as I feel myself rising up.

I open my eyes and find myself in an ice palace. I look around me and slowly stand up only to nearly fall. Someone catches me and helps me up gently. I stand still as my father moves in front of me still holding onto my arms.

'Nice palace daughter. If you wanted one of your own you could have just asked and I would have had one made for you.'

I attempt a small smile. 'I wanted to build my own,' I manage to reply.

The sun sets and my father and I continue to train. We take a break from training and I watch through the ice walls as a flame of fire comes flying to the top of the palace. Loki and I both look up as part of the roof melts then a hole in the floor of every level melts until Valarie comes crashing down. The flames disappear and she groans.

'Raven!' Val calls as she stands up and looks around her. 'Wow.' Her voice echoes in the icy palace.

I make my way towards her heading to the stairs that lead down to the ground floor.

'In the first time in forever I can finally understand,' she sings.

'Shut up fucker,' I growl as I walk down the stairs towards her.

'Where's ya dress?' she laughs. 'Alright enough sleeping more training.'

I growl and stand up straighter.

'Your emotions take a big play on your powers. You need a clear mind.'

'I know!'

Val makes a sword and swings it at me but I block it with a sword of ice. She twists it in her sword and then throws it up into the wall.

'If you know then why are you doing it?' she sighs and places her hand on her shoulder. 'Raven come with me.' She walks of of the main door and I silently follow her.

We walk up the mountain and look out.

'Focusing the mind on something or focusing it off something. Let me tell you a little secret. I was once afraid of my power. The ability to control fire. I wasn't always in control. I kept myself hidden for those six months. I tried my best not to use my power. I was afraid that with a touch I could disintegrate. I was afraid, so I challenged my fears and came on top. I controlled them and I won. I am though still afraid, afraid that one day I could hurt someone. But I ignore it, I fight the thought. That keeps me from losing control. It probably won't help, but it helps me.'

'Nobody knows what shit you go through until it's their turn...true right,' I turn to Val. She manages a small smile and nod. I know what she went through and now I'm going through it. But its ten times worse.

'I don't know how to control my emotions anymore because I've been controlling them for far too long.'

Loki appears next to me, causing Valarie to let out a short scream in surprise. Loki sighs and looks from me to Valarie.

'You don't realise how strong someone really is until you see them at their weakest moment. Whether it be them admitting to a mistake or a fault or watching them lose control.' He pauses and lets us stand in silence. Tiredness fills me and I struggle to remain awake. Loki continues to talk. 'It's not good to see someone who has been pretending strength all their lives lose it even for a minute yet I've watched both of you lose your strength for endless months.'

'Well I was weak and defenseless. I will not lose or pretend my strength,' she says. I watch silently as she sets herself on fire and flies off. I watch her as she flies off over to the cabin.

'I've been pretending strength my entire life. This,' I gesture around me helplessly. 'This is new to me.'

'And it scares you,' he states. I nod and walk back to the palace. 

Loki's Daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now