A tattoo and a brother

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Val walks into my room wearing sunnies and holding a cup of coffee. I look at her in shock. My mind still reeling over the two tattoos on the back of my neck. A wolf and a raven.

'What the actual fuck did we do last night?' I show her the tattoos. Val falls to the floor and shakes her head.

'I give you permission to look back into my memories to see what we did.'

I put my hand on her forehead and look through it.

'We got tattoos!' Val yells as she freaks out.

'Calm down. Think of what else we saw that night.'

'That guy! He looked exactly like you,' she continues to yell.

'Valarie,' I groan as I rub my head.

'Raven what if...'

'Do I have a brother?'

'Let's find out,' she says as she helps me out. We storm down the hall and Val continues to drink her coffee. We slam open Loki's door and Val yelled, 'Alright Mister,' I glance at her. She's still intoxicated. So am I to be truful I can barely stand still.

'You are telling the easy way or we will force it out of you the hard way.'

'Valarie, Raven. What is going on?'

'Someone has something he needs to tell,' we glare at Loki.

'I do not know what you are talking about.'

I glance at Val and she nods. I slam my hand down his desk beside him.

'Tell me now. Do I have a brother?'

Val grabs a fire sword and points it at Loki.


'Would you two calm!' Thor yells.

'No!' I yell back.

'Not till we get an answer.'

'Fine. Yes Raven. You have a brother, in fact he's your twin.'

I step back my muscles freezing up.

'Raven,' Loki calls softly.

I shake my head. 'Fuck off,' I snap create a portal and disappear to the lake.


'What?' I whisper. 'I have a brother! A fucking brother. He lied to me again! Where has my brother been, when I needed him? Why did Loki never tell me?'

'Raven stop. Let's not think about it right now. I know it's hard, but let's focus on the comp. Then we will talk more about your brother.'

'You know what. That is the smartest thing you have ever said.'

'Shut up. But ah Raven first. I want to spend some time with my children. Tomorrow we will do all the planning.'

'Rightio,' I call out as she leaves. I turn my attention back to the water as it gently laps up onto the grassy bank. Shaking my head I slowly walk out into the water until I'm waist deep.

'Raven?' Scowling I look back to shore and see Loki standing at the edge of the water.

I shake my head and turn to keep walking out when a hand grabs hold of my shoulder bringing me to a stop. Startled I look over my shoulder and see Loki kneeling as he hovers over the water next to me.

'Daughter please just hear me out.'

A sob escapes I shake my head and rise out of the water and run over the freezing lake and into the forest.

Loki's Daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now