Wait...we are how old?

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A couple of hours later I ring Valarie.

'Yes Ray Ray?' she answers.

I groan. 'Come to Thor's study. Your father wants to lecture you,' I tell her smirking at Thor's surprised look on his face.

'Yeah, let me put kids to bed and I'll be over,' she hands up before I can reply. I toss my phone and it vanishes into The Space. 

'Raven, you have got to stop throwing your phone around.'

'Yeah, whatever.'

Loki turns his back to me and stands in front of the window. I frown and watch him as he pulls out his own phone.

'Yeah, I have your number. Calm down. Come to Thor's study. I need to talk to you,' he hangs up and his phone disappears. He turns back around and faces me. 

'Do not try to read my mind,' he snaps warningly at me as I fail to get into his mind. 

I poke my tongue out, turn and go to leave. My hand touches the door handle when Thor calls out my name.

'Raven. Don't think that you can go just yet. You need to come as well.'

'Of course,' I roll my eyes. 'By the way, your daughter has wings.'


I open the door and step out. 'Odin gave them to her. She's the protector of Asgard now,' I call back as I close the door and make my way down to the kitchen. 

A minute later, I teleport back into the study.

'Never fear, I am here,' Val says as she walks through the open study window. Loki rolls his eyes and turns away from her.

'Now, what are we here for?'

'Valarie, my name isn't really Jack.' Archer starts.

'What, then what is it and why did you lie to me?'

'It is Archer and-'

'Sorry Archer, we need to talk about this first it is very important you all know.' Loki says. I remain silent and watch him as looks around nervously.

'We called you together because we have something to tell you,' Thor continues. I look past him and at my brother as he leans against the cabinet in the dark shadows. 

'This includes you too Archer,' my father calls out quietly.

Archer slowly moves until he's standing next to me. I move a little closer to Valarie not wanting to be so close to him.

'What is it?' Valarie demands as she shuffles her leg. I recognise the movement as that's what she does when she hates suspense.

'How old do you think you all are?'

Valarie groans. 'Really? You douchbags can't remember our ages?'

I grab Val's arm and she looks at me surprised. I shake my head. 'That's not what this about,' I whisper to her. I let go of her and turn back to studying Thor and Loki.

'Well I'm 22,' my brother replies confidently.

'I'm 24,' Val snaps.

Then it clicks on my mind. 'I'm 17.'

'WHAT?' Everyone but Loki yells. I ignore them and I only watch my father. A small smirk appears on his face just for a second and he gives me a short nod. It's all I need to know I'm not crazy.

'How can you be 17? You're 22 like me. I'm your freaking twin Raven.'

'You're 17 like me, Archer. Valarie you're 19.'

'How can I be 19? Are you feeling alright Raven?' Valarie comes towards me but I vanish and appear behind my father.

'I'm fine Val.'

'No. Raven is right. What shocked me was the fact that she knew.'

I stich my tongue out.

'Oh my god.'

'What? Explain to me what the hell is going on?'

'This is what Thor was going to tell you. Something happened when you were 19 and when the twins were 17. It stopped you three from growing up. That's why Raven still acts like a child most of the time.'

'Hey!' I yell.

'It's because while the rest of the world and including ourselves for a few years we all  thought that you were still growing up like a normal...person but the only exception was Raven. She's what made us stop and think about this.'

'We were having to constantly tell Raven to grow up and act like an adult but still she never did.'

'She kept acting like a 17 year-old. She kept acting like her age. But we didn't. We kept maturing and growing up. Didn't we?' Archer asks as he slowly catches on.

Thor and Loki both nod.

'Really Raven? You couldn't just act your age?' Valarie scolds.

'That's the thing though. She was and is. This whole time she has been acting her age and sometimes more maturely then we could hope for.'

'Now everthing is perfect and the way it should be,' my father says sarcastically.

'PERFECT? HOW IS ANY OF THIS PERFECT? You should have told me sooner. One day my husband will be lying on a bed with his last breath and I will still look like I am twenty. I am technically still a kid and I have kids. I could have avoided all of this if you would have told me!'

'This is why you never love a mortal,' Loki whispers.

'FUCK YOU ALL!' Val screams.

I flinch as a ball of flames hits the desk beside Loki. 

'Say anything else and my heat will burn you up like a petty mortal,' she says as she leaves.

'Val please,' the door slams in Thor's face.

I turn and look at my twin and at my father. 'Welp if that's all. I'm going to go,' I say as I open the door.

'Raven,' Loki hesitates.

'Yes?' I groan.

'Did you get any rest when I told you to?'

I laugh and teleport out of the room and into my own room.

Loki's Daughter Book 3Where stories live. Discover now