Chapter 3

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I can not believe they caught me! If it wasn't for that stupid girl standing in my way, they never would've caught up to me. Oh Blake is gonna have a field day with this!

Ever since our falling out last year, I haven't been allowed to call him dad anymore and he's been super harsh with his punishments.

I pace around in the small cell they threw me in a few hours ago. The little window above my cell tells me that it's gotten dark by now. I grumble some things under my breath, when my mind goes back to that girl.

I know her, I've seen her before. She's also very beautiful, her slightly tanned skin, the green of her eyes shining in the light of the setting sun. The graceful way she moved into a defensive stance and her lips.

Her plump, red -... Gah, Macon, focus! You're a terrible man who kills for a living, remember that! I hear the rattling of keys before my cell door opens.

One of the guards snickers, turning to talk to the man slightly behind him. "Do you think he'll be able to beat the champion?"

"Not with those skinny arms!" The other guard laughs.

I bristle but stay quiet. I know I have skinny arms, I've been low on jobs for a few months and haven't really eaten a proper meal. I was on assignment when they caught me.

That was such a huge job, I can't believe I screwed it up. And what are they talking about? Champion... Oh shit! The Death Games are today, I completely forgot! Great.

I keep my face blank as they handcuff my wrists, but inside I'm freaking out. No, no calm yourself. You've been training as an assassin for 15 years now, you can do this! I take a deep breath following the guards.

My cell is located at the bottom of the castle, so 5 flights of stairs later and we reach the outside. The night is quiet, except for a few noisy bugs. I look around to see that we're not far from the ring. The dome looms in front of us like a giant ready to pounce.

Fear tries to build its way in my head, but I force it down. I'm determined to win this bloody fight. Blake won't hear the end of it if I lose. He'll probably find a way to raise me from the dead just to kill me again for embarrassing him.

The outside is a dark midnight blue colour, probably to make it almost invisible during the night. A small door sits in the corner next to a gigantic wooden one, probably leading inside. We reach the small door, light blinding my eyes for a second when the gaurd opens it.

"Is that the new one?"
"He looks skinny."
"No way he's Blake's boy."

We walk past the guys who were talking about me and I growl at them. Off course I'm Blake's son! Who do they think they are? The closest one visibly pales and moves back a step. The guards yank me back towards them but not before I feel some satisfaction. I feed of off fear at times like these where I can't control my own.

"There'll be 2 sounds. One long and deep, the other shrill and short. You are to get ready after the first sound then attack after the second sound." One of the guards says to me before handing me over to another guard stationed behind the criminals, who are lined up in a row, stretching down the narrow hallway.

The gaurd grabs the chain my cuffs are bound to, squeezing me in next to someone else. The guy standing next to me looks gaunt and pale. Bones are showing through his worn shirts.

He must've been in the cell since last month. My attention snaps back to the situation at hand when I hear a clicking near the gate just before a deep sound penetrates through the walls.

I try very hard not to flinch since weaknesses has been trained out of me. I see the other guys standing ready and I decide to follow them, bending me knees slightly. I've never actually been told what happens in the ring, just that you're suppose to make it out alive.

Not that I was ever worried about not getting out alive. The only problem is getting away once I win. Don't want to be stuck in that castle with disgusting fae creatures for 5 years.

"Ready!" A voice, sounding vaguely like the king's, shouts from behind the doors.

A shrill sound pierces through the air, disorienting me for a moment. The gates crash open and the guards release our chains. Everyone runs into the ring except me. I glance around quickly, trying to find a way out, but alas there's no way.

The guard behind me walks closer with a hot iron ready to stab me. This is probably the time for me to move! Just as I stumble through the gates, it slams shut in front of me. I turn around to see everyone fighting, blood already coating the yellow sand.

I squint into the bright light above us to see the king and... someone else. Damn, there goes my chance at escape. For now...

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone running towards me. Adrenaline starts pumping through my veins as I prepare myself to dodge out of the way, picking up a discarded sword in the proses.

It's an ugly thing, probably not even able to slice through skin. I relish the feeling of sudden energy running through my blood, this is what I live for! The guy that ran at me spins around, coming at me again, harder this time.

I dodge his fist, kicking the back of his knees. He falls forward and I don't hesitate to plunge the sword through his back, feeling the squishing of blood as I pull it back out. It goes on like that for a while, me cutting down people who aren't nearly as skilled as I am, until every one is dead, except for one.

He's a giant of a man, probably reaching around 6 foot. He wears the kings armor and wields a golden sword with the royal golden infinite symbol on it. He must be the champion then. I glance down at my bare feet, torn shirt and dull blade, not really all that intimidating.

The guards took away all my weapons, including my specially made clothes for hiding weapons. I sigh at the unfortunate turn of events but prepare myself for the worst of his attack.

We stalk each other in a circle for a few seconds. I was taught the hard way to never turn your back on an opponent. I couldn't walk for at least a few days after that particular beating. My father has always been a violent, ruthless person. There's a reason he's the most wanted assassin in all of Elfame.

The champion's body twitches, giving his next move away. I move to side just as he jumps at me, the sword slicing through the air where my head was just seconds ago.

I spin around, slicing the sword through the air as I go. The blade makes contact with his skin, but only manages to go a few inches. I curse when he screams out in pain but not much else, whirling around to face me. I drop the sword I'm holding, a new plan forming inside my head. Get his sword!

He jabs and kicks at me, but I dodge every move. We hit the side of the dome and I realize that I'm running out of time. I go on the offensive, falling to the ground, kicking his feet out from under him. He loses his balance, falling forward while he releases his grip on the sword.

It lands a few feet away but I quickly dive towards it, grabbing hold of the blade and cutting myself.

My body is shaking from the adrenaline, sweat dripping down my neck and dust stinging my eyes. I turn around, pointing the end of the sword into the air when I hear his footsteps coming closer.

He jumps forward to tackle me, completely oblivious to the sword awaiting him. The sword pierces his heart when he falls on top of me, right where I intended it to be.

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