Chapter 32

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After everyone finally digested what I said, the castle went into lockdown. No one is allowed to come into or out of the castle without permission.

The village people are instructed to report anything suspicious. We also sent out some letters, asking for help. This war just got very serious, very fast.

There's on kingdom in particular that I'm hoping will help fight. One of my father's best friends, King Daniel is a cat shifter while his wife is a wolf shifter.

Their children are quite unique if you ask me, which make them a very powerful kingdom. They have allies everywhere and can be a huge asset.

Eric obviously hasn't left my side since he found me in the forest. He thinks something bad is going to happen and that I got off lucky.

My brother went with some men to try and find Bryce, but I doubt they'll find him. He is an original after all.

I don't actually mind that Eric is with me so much, but I am getting a bit claustrophobic with everyone hanging around me.

"Where are you going?" Eric asks me when I stand up from the couch.

I'm done sitting on this bloody couch. I still want to do some research on the connection between me and Macon.

I haven't so much as had a second to breath without someone asking questions and I'm fed up with it!

"That is none of your damn business!" I snap at him.

I immediately feel bad when he turns around in shock. I sigh and rub my forehead where a headache is forming.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for. I just... I need a moment alone. Seriously, everyone has been hanging around me for the past 3 hours!"

Eric nods and closes the gap between us. He hugs me close and I melt into his arms, enjoying his warmth. His scent fills every part of me and I just want to dissapear into it.

"No I'm sorry. I just don't wanna lose you," He says quietly.

I cup his cheek and he leans into my hand. Stroking his cheek with my thumb, I admire his sheer beauty again.

"I'm just going to the library. I'll take some gaurds with me if it'll make you feel better."

He nods, then kisses the tip of my nose. I blush a bright pink and smile shyly at him.

Walking out of the war room, I make my way upstairs. On my way I find 2 gaurds and ask them to join me.

Both gaurds are very big in size but the one named Blake just seems to exert a very powerful aura. It makes me a tad nervous.

He looks very familiar but I can not seem to pinpoint where I've seen him before. The thought nags at me the whole way but my mind just keeps drawing a blank.

Reaching the library, I find the magical book in the enchantment. It seemed safer than just leaving it out in the open for anyone to find.

Leaving the gaurds near the entrance I sit down, tracing my fingers over the cover. It really is beautiful, patterns made of tree branches coat most of the cover.

It lights up with gold streaks floating in the air, floating around me, stroking my hair softly before it dies down and the book opens on its own.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Blake staring at me. He has a very hostile look on his face and I frown. Strange. Thinking that it must be my imagination, I focus back on the book.

Reading for what must've been hours, I finally stumble onto something. Unfortunately half of the page is missing and the other half has holes in it.

But one of the sentences clearly says they both felt some kind of tingling warm sensation when touching the person. I try to figure out the rest of the oage, but it's near impossible.

When he touched me, I felt this hot energy, almost like a tingle traveling along my hand.... Hole....He was the one.... Hole.... See myself living without him.

The rest of the page is too damaged for me to make out anything. Whoever this was, clearly didn't know what this meant either.

Looking down at the writing again, it looks very familiar. Standing up suddenly, I rush to the bookshelf in search of another book.

Nobody knows, but my mother hid her diary behind a stack of very old books that no one reads. I stumbled upon it the one day amd just never told her.

Thinking about my mother used to bring up painful memories, but now.... it's just a dull ache.

Wait what!

How can I be over my mother's death so easily!? It can't be. Grabbing the book, I rush back to my place, trying to ignore the huge amount of guilt inside me.

Paging through the pages, I find that I was indeed correct. It's my mother's hand writing...

She must've experienced the same thing I did. But she never said anything like this with my father. Maybe he wasn't her true love.

Wait, so that means that Macon is my... mate. Oh no! What have I done.
This thing with Eric needs to stop then.

Slowly getting up from the chair, I place the book in a protective enchantment. As I'm walking out the door I see Blake glancing back at the book again.

I'll have to check him out sometime. He seems a little bit too suspicious. Finally finding Eric in the kitchen, I dismiss the gaurds.

"Hey," I say smiling.

"Hi! Do you want one?"

He holds up a blueberry muffin and I nod. This is going to be a hard conversation.

"Can we go for a walk? We need to talk."

I struggle to make eye contact with him and ultimately just decide to stare at the muffin. I can feel him staring at me but I don't look up.


We walk outside, this time staying within the yard. I glance at the forrest trying to see if I can get a glimpse of Bryce while eating the muffin.

As usual, Cook's cooking makes me want to stuff my face with a thousand more. Turning my attention back to Eric, I prepared myself to let him down.

"I figured something out, which you're probably not going to like."

He doesn't look at me, but takes my hand and squeezes gently. I take a deep breath.

"You know the guy I was telling you about, Macon? Well I did some research and apparently, we're mates."

A range of emotions play across his face. Anger, confusion and finally, sadness.

He stops us in the middle of my mother's favorite flowers. Orchids. He engulfs me in a hug and we just stand there for what feels like forever.

He tilts my head up slightly, so that I'm looking him in the eyes. He kisses me softly and I momentarily forget about Macon.

"I'm not giving you up. If he comes to find you on his own, I'll let you go. But until then, you're mine."

Wow I really don't know what to do with Macon!! I love Eric he's such a sweetheart ❤️

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