Chapter 4

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I stare in wonder as the 2 men fight. My father told me, when all of the men came running into the ring, that the last one to come through is always cut down first. Somehow, he's stayed alive till the end. He's facing off against the champion and I can't help but admire the way he moves. It's also clear that he comes from the poor side of town. By the looks of his skinny arms, they don't get much to eat. Which is probably why he ended up in the ring. I look closer at his face and blanch.

"Are you alright?" My father asks, frowning at me.

"Yes, yes I'm fine," I say quickly.

It's the man from the town, the one who bumped into me! He swipes at the champion but the sword doesn't cut very deep. I slightly lean over the rail as the man drops his sword. Why on earth would he do that? The champion corners him against the side and I prepare myself for him to die but in a few moves to fast for me to see, he's gotten the champion flat on his back with the sword in his hand. The champion barrels towards him and... he's dead. The man shoves him away from him, panting as he lies there on the ground.

"Well then, that was unexpected!" My dad claps his hands together, moving to the stairs.

I quickly scramble after him. We quickly move to the inside of the ring, avoiding all of the bodies strewn across the ground. The man quickly junps up, preparing to fight again.

" Easy son, you've won. There's no need to fight anymore." My father says, closing in on him.

He claps him on the back and urges him to move forward.

"What's your name?" My father asks.

"Macon, sir."

He catches a glimpse at me and freezes momentarily but his face goes blank and he turns away from me. The side gates screech open as men rush in to clean the mass of bodies. I notice that he watches the men clean up, but there's no emotion on his face.

"I've already sent someone to prepare your room for you. For the next couple of years you'll be living in luxury, maybe build some muscle around those skinny arms of yours." Dad's bellowing laughter cuts through the still night surrounding us.

Macon doesn't say anything but cracks a smile, that doesn't reach his eyes, to satisfy my dad. We reach the front door, where various guards await us. Their eyes widen slightly, the only indication that they're surprised by the newcomer.

"Jack, please escort mister Macon to his room and explain to him all that is expected of him for few years," dad shoves Macon forward a little bit.

He glances back at me but is quickly ushered away.

"Daddy, I'm a bit tired. I think I'll head up to my room, please tell mom I said goodnight," I give him a quick kiss then hurry after Jack.

My curiosity got the beter of me and I had to know who Macon was. Jack is taking Macon to the west wing of the castle where the guards sleep. It's also the way to the training room. I slip around the corner to see Jack leading him into the previous champion's room. I move closer and reach for the door handle when it suddenly opens.

"Princess!" Jack's eyes widen.

"Uhm," I stutter, trying to find an explanation.

"What're you doing here?" Jack's lips twitch up into a smile as he tries to stay serious.

"I just - I was curious, I guess." I look down at my feet as I draw circles with them on the ground.

"Right, because you've always had an interest in the previous champions."

I scowl at him and he laughs. He looks into the room and then back at me.

"2 minutes. I'll be standing right here by the open door. If anything happens kick his nuts and scream."

"Thank you!" I hug Jack and move underneath his arm.

I quietly walk in, looking around the room. I've never actually been in here before now.It's a spacious room but not nearly as big as some of the rooms in the castle.

"You're the princess."

I jump as a voice speaks from inside the shadows.

"I still can't figure out why a princess would go into a human town. It's not as if you need something," Macon steps out slightly, giving me a view of the various cuts on his arms.

"Well we don't necessarily need something to go into town," I say warily.

He laughs dryly. "Right, because you've got everything. You've never experienced nights where you go hungry, I'll even bet you've never seen the kitchen."

He takes a step towards me but I remain where I am, not wanting to show that I'm scared.

"You don't know anything about me!" I say defiantly.

I'm actually great friends with the cook. He's taught me various recipes and how to bake.

"What do you want?" He snarls.

"Well clearly not making a friend. You know, you should smile more, it lights up your eyes. Instead of growling so much, maybe learn a thing or 2 about being nice," I turn my back on him, a sign of fearlessness.

I stride out of the room, never looking back at him. When I reach the outside of his room, I silently close the door and lean against the wall.

" You did well," Jack smirks at me, holding his arm out for me.

"I was scared out of my mind, what're you talking about!" I laugh nervously.

We walk through the hallways, carefully avoiding all the places my parents would be.

"Really? Oh, I didn't even notice." He smiles and I bump his shoulder, knowing that he's lying through his teeth.

We reach my bedroom a few minutes later and I turn to him.

"Are we still on for tomorrow?" I ask excitedly.

"You know it. I can't wait to kick your butt for the fifth time this week."

I slap his shoulder and he laughs, walking away. I slowly close my door, a smile gracing my lips. Tomorrow I'm sparring against almost all of the guards. The one's that have to be on duty were whining all night yesterday when they heard what I had planned.

"Where have you been!?" Lacy says angrily from behind me.

I yelp and straighten. "I uhm, I went to the uhm... kitchen! Yes the kitchen, cook wanted some help." I smile, hoping she'll buy it.

She snorts, very unladylike and pats the bed for me to sit while she brushes my hair.

"Right, like cook ever needs any help. What're you hiding?"

I stride over to my bed, plopping down on the soft feather duvet.

"You know me so well. If you must know, I went to see the new champion," I say while she gently tugs on a knot in my long hair.

"Oh," is all she says, indicating for me to elaborate.

I tell her about what happened at town, praying that my mother doesn't notice who he is. I also tell her about what happened in the ring. She puts the brush down and guides me towards the closet, not saying a word.

"Sounds to me like he's dangerous," she finally says as I climb into bed.

"Probably, but I'm curious."

"You always are," she says as she leaves my room.

I switch my lamp of, snuggling into my covers. I close my eyes to sleep and the last thing I remember are Macon's green eyes.


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