Chapter 6

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I lie on my back taking deap breaths, trying to slow my racing heart down. It was exhilarating squaring of against him, but what really got my heart racing was when we both laid on the ground. His body was so close to me and I could feel the heat of his breath against my nose. I had to quickly regain control to hide what I was feeling. Luka stands in front of me, holding his hand out for me to take.

"You did good. We just have to work on your footing and what to do when you fail to attack," his eyes twinkle as he smiles at me.

I feel myself blush, covering my face with my hair. Luka laughs, while pulling me to my feet. I turn around walking to the edge of the room.

"I think I'm done for today. I'll just watch you guys from the safety of the bench, " I say before I plop down onto it.

I take a big swig from my water bottle and dap at the sweat covering my arms, face and neck. I grimace as I take a whiff of how I smell. Definitely need a shower after this, my mom is going to freak out if she smells me!

"Uhm, can I... talk to you for a second, your uhm majesty," Macon says uncomfortably.

I didn't even notice that he was standing in front if me until he spoke.
I scrunch my nose, that damn title, but nod for him to continue, noticing the uncomfortable way he's looking at the floor. My heart starts racing again, not for any other reason than him being near me. I take deep breaths, reminding myself of who he is.

"Yea sure, but please call me Azara. Everyone else does."

His eyes widen in suprise. Luka tries to cover a laugh but fails, as he walks away. Everyone responds like that, so it doesn't faze me anymore.

"You're very strange Azara."

A small laugh escapes my lips before I can stop it. Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I have to treat everyone like they're worthless. If only I had a coin for everytime someone said that I'm strange.

"Thank you, I appreciate the compliment, " I say taking another drink from my water bottle.

"That wasn't -... I mean it was a -... It was a statement not a..." He stutters and trails of, dragging his hand over his face.

I laugh but put my hand over it as he glares at me. I can't help it, this seemingly skillful, brooding man just stuttered because I surprised him. Who wouldn't find that amusing.

"Never mind. I just... never mind." He walks away, mumbling something incoherently under his breath.

I stare at his back, wondering what that was about. I didn't offend him did I? Maybe insulted his manhood or something silly like that? I glance around the room, taking note of everyone in the room, my foot tapping a rhythm on the ground.

Luka and Macon were stretching, probably so that Macon can teach him some things. On the other side Sam and the twins, James and Bruce, are shooting some arrows, trying to best each other. Quintin, the head of the gaurds, is teaching Ace and Zayn, some of the newer ones some basic fighting.

"You look way to tense to be sitting down."

I jump up at the sound of General Ashton's voice just inches from my ears. He's grinning wildly at me. How did he get in, the guys are suppose to warn me when someone other than the gaurds come into the west wing. My brow furrows and I start panicking.

"You aren't suppose to be in here!" I blurt out.

"Oh don't worry, I won't tell your parents their little innocent daughter isn't so innocent after all . I merely came to see how you're doing, since I couldn't find you anywhere I decided to search here," he states, calmly leaning against the wall.

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