Chapter 7

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Ugh the nerve! Like I needed help defending myself. Dammit now that weasel is going to think I'm weak! I pace around inside my room, brooding for a few more seconds. When I stormed of I didn't actually know where to go because I usually go to the training room when I'm mad.

I stop in front of my bathroom door and sigh. I might as well take a shower. I quickly remove all of my clothes, which isn't a lot, before stepping into the cold spray of water. I stand directly underneath the cold water, just letting the water sooth my anger.

The overbearing heat leaves my body after a while, goosebumps rising on my arms, forcing me to get out. I wrap my hair in a silky smooth towel before walking to my closet. I sigh, browsing through the many dresses I have.

I tried getting my mom to buy me some pants once but that conversation didn't go very well. The shorts I have, I actually had Jack take from my brother. Nikolas wasn't very happy when he found out but let me keep, knowing my parents won't get me my own. I carefully take down a bright yellow dress from a hanger, one of the few dresses that only reach partway past my knees.

"Miss Azara?" A soft voice calls before I hear a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I shout back, hastily throwing on the dress.

"Miss Azara?!"

"I'm in here!" I quickly tie my hair into a messy ponytail.

"Oh here you are, Queen Rhea has requested that you join her for tea." Lacy says, poking her head into the room.

"Alright," I begin walking out the door but she stops me.

"No way! You are not going out with your hair like that. Your mother would freak out," She chides, leading me towards my many mirrors.

"I don't get why though. It's not like anyone else besides the guards are going to see me and they all know how I am." I sigh, sitting down on the chair, Lacy placed before the mirror, leaning on my hand.

"Yes but she doesn't know that," she laughs lightly.

I pout but don't say anything else. Lacy ties my hair into a half up pony tale, letting the rest hang over my shoulders and down my back.

"All done, now hurry up and put some shoes on. You're already late."

I grab a pair of white slippers, hopping on one foot trying to put it on. I grab the door handle, opening the door without looking up. I crash into something solid, losing my shoe and gripping a white shirt.

" Uhm are you ok?" A deep voice says.

I look up into Macon's shocking green eyes. My mind goes blank and I can't remember what I'm suppose to do or sat.

"Wh-what, " I stutter, my face heating up.

"So I'm guessing this is the boy you were talking about," Lacy says leaning on the door frame.

"You were talking about me?" I look at him and see he's smirking.

I let go of his shirt, smoothing down my dress and look for my shoe. I feel my cheeks heat even more and I throw some of my hair over my face.

"Uh no, no we weren't. I - I have to go." I stumble over my words before rushing away.

"Wait no, princess I'm suppose to escort you!" He yells after me.

I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. The blush covering my face turning to anger.

"No you're not. Find Luka, tell him to find me."

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