Chapter 12

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Hiii my darling readers!! Hope you're still enjoying the book... don't forget to vote and tell me what you think so far in the comments. Also please please please share!! ❤️

xxx Bella


"Ok look, it isn't what you think! I was just feeling upset and wanted to spend some time with you when I -" I close my mouth abruptly when I recall Ashton's words.

If you so much as breaths a word to anyone, I'll personally make sure no one in your family survives

I shiver as I remember the malice laced behind those words. It not like I can just tell cook what happened, she'll most certainly tell my father and I can't have that.

I look at my hands, frustrated with this situation. And the worst? The fact that I didn't knee him in his special place when I had the chance.

"You what?" She asks, eyeing me seriously.

"I just, bumped into Ashton. Who so rudely pressed me against the wall. That's all." The words taste bitter in my mouth.

I've never been one for lying and always got mad when other people lied to me. So doing this was taking a lot out of, mentally.

I shake my head, moving over to a cupboard I know for a fact is hiding those cookies I wanted. I realize I only said I wanted cookies to make up an excuse for why I was here, but when I mentioned it my mouth started watering.

I rummage through the various jars and packets before finding the blue container with the banana cookies in.

"Mhm, why don't I believe you?" She asks, taking the container away from me when I took out 5 cookies.

"Because you don't trust people in general?"

I take a bite, groaning as the taste hits my taste buds. It's heavenly! A blend of banana, vanilla and some other thing that Cook refuses to tell me about but I secretly think is almond butter.

She smirks at me, carefully placing the container back in the cupboard.

" I suppose that's true. Come, I'll make you a hot cup of hot chocolate and you can tell me why you're upset."

I tell her about my situation with the gaurds. How I really don't want one of them in my room and how unfair my father is, making us stay inside castle grounds when my aunt and uncle is coming to visit.

"Have you ever thought about why he's so concerned for your safety?" Cook asks after I'm done unloading all my baggage.

I sit up straighter in my chair at her words. Why was he so overprotective? It can't simply be from the bombings, it's not as if it's new. Every few months a new threat is unleashed on the kingdom by Aric.

"No actually."

"When I first started working for your family, Lacy asked me to research something. A blend of herbs that would take away nightmares and aids in insomnia.

Your father was just a little boy, probably not much younger than you are when his sister was killed and - "

" Has - had a sister?" Shocked by this new information, I didn't even notice her glare for interrupting her.

" Yes, no stop interrupting. His father was very lenient towards her because she was his only daughter.

She got away with the most naughty things. Gaurds were placed around the castle at the time but they were only there for 'decoration'.

One day when his father was out on some trip, he and his sister were sitting in the library, studying for one of their exams.

A loud scream interrupted them and they quickly ran out of the room, only to see their mother being held captive.

The dark fae wanted something from the safe but the queen refused to give it to him. The princess found an opportunity to attack the fae but in the process of freeing her mother, she lost her life.

Your father stepped in and killed that man, but his family was never the same after that. "

"Oh my gosh! Now I feel really bad about snapping at him."

I bury my face in my hands, imagining how painful that must've been. I start to rethink everything I've ever said to my father and I have to cringe. I can be a real bitch when I want to.

"You could always apologize." She suggests.

"Yea, but it'll have to wait until morning. It's already past midnight and I -" I massive yawn escapes my mouth, cutting of my sentence.

"Ah yes, you must get your beauty sleep. I'll walk with you."

I thank her as I quickly jump of the chair, following her out into the dark empty halls.



"You got caught!" The deep voice bellows from in front of me.

I cringe at the loud noise while some of my men whimper in fear. Cowards. Yes he's scary, but come on. Whimpering?! That's a bit much.

"Yes sir, but she didn't recognize me and I doubt she saw any of my men." I'm relieved that my voice came out steady.

Don't want to sound weak. Keep your back straight but head bowed. Respect is the number 1 rule.

"Didn't recognize you. SHE STILL SAW YOU!" He takes a deep breath, shoving his fingers through his pitch black hair.

"Did you see any sign of Macon?" His voice is calmer but I can still hear an underlying tone of annoyance.

"Yes sir, he was sneaking away from the castle with some man."

"Well then, why didn't you track him down and BRING HIM TO ME?!" He's losing control, which is never a good sign.

My body starts to shake involuntarily at the power in his voice. Who would've thought that a few words could bring grown warriors to their knees.

" We uh, lost sight if him in the village sir. "


I quickly nod my head, hurrying out of the room. My men stay behind me until we're safely outside. I turn to them, barking orders in a commanding yet calm voice.

I need to keep up my facade, no need to lose my position to some kid who thinks he has more experience.

"Go back to the trail. Pick up where you left of. Notify me when you find something."

My second in command nods his head, grabbing a few men to go with him while pointing to different directions for the rest of the men to take.

I rub my face tiredly, wishing I could more than 3 hours of sleep for one day. My work was done for now, but I won't be able to fall asleep.

Her piercing green eyes are still stuck in my head. For what reason, I have no idea. I had to restrain myself when fear flashed in her eyes when Ashton touched her.

I've never liked that one, always arrogant and disrespectful. Just because you're a dark fae doesn't mean you don't have to respect woman.

Especially the ones who are extremely beautiful, long white hair flowing down her back, small waist accentuating -

"Daniel get some sleep. You look like you're ready to pass out."

I didn't even notice I'd walk all the way to my quarters, when my brother's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. He's always had a very squeaky voice if you asked me.

"I'll try."

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