Chapter 14

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Soft golden rays peek through the gap in my curtains. Everything is quiet and serene, peaceful. I've just woken up, but I don't want to move, not wanting to disturb the peace.

A big yawn escapes my lips and I rub my eyes, trying to get rid of the sleep sand. A soft knock sounds on my door and I turn my head towards it. I groan as Lacy pokes her head inside.

"Don't groan at me. You've already missed breakfast and you mother was getting worried," she says as she gingerly walks into my room and start cleaning stuff.

First she grabs my clothes from the floor where I left it last night, I was to tired to put in the laundry basket in my bathroom, then goes into my closet to pick out an outfit.

What a day it was yesterday, I hope the craziness js done for a while. Wait, did she just say I missed breakfast?! I haven't slept this late in years.

"Oh no no no no, I'm probably going to get an earful from my mother then an interrogation from my father."

She hums in response, while I quickly jump up, almost falling over as dizziness washes over me.

"Slowly princess, you'll fall over if you rush."

I shake my head to clear it then quickly grab the outfit Lacy gives me, hastily throwing it on.

I wave goodbye to her as I rush out of the room, almost crashing into a gaurd. We really need to talk about where they stand in the mornings.

"Princess, your mother asked to see you in the library when you woke up." Luka says, bowing slightly as to not be disrespectful.

I nod my head in acknowledgment, but before I rush of again I notice something.

"Where's Macon?" I ask, slightly concerned. Slightly.

"He's sick your majesty."

"That doesn't make sense, all gaurds train even though they're sick?" I say mostly to myself.

"Yes, but this morning when I went in to see him, he was deathly pale and was covered in sweat. He had a high fever and was shivering." Jack says as he steps forward.

"I see. Did you send for the healer?" I urge them to follow me as I quickly move through the halls to the library.

"No your majesty. We're not allowed to use the healers to our advantage."

I pause for a second, mulling over his words. I'd forgotten that they couldn't use our healers, what a stupid rule.

Honestly, who cares if our gaurds get proper healing. Sometimes my father is very ignorant.

" Then tell them the princess requested one. Take him to my room, I'll meet you all there."

"Yes princess." They both bow and scurry away.

The library is on the far side of our wing and it takes forever to reach it. The twin mahogany doors stands in contrast to the light walls and floor with it's dark wood.

I walk through the slightly open door, composing myself to look at least decent.

My mother is sitting on one of the plush couches, a pile of books stacked near her while she holds one in her hands.

She glances up at my approach, placing a bookmark between the pages. The book is then placed on the stack, while she gracefully stands up.

"Where have you been?" She asks suspiciously.


"This late? Now that's unlike you," she stops in front of me.

We're the same height, but in this moment, I feel tiny. It's not like I'm hiding anything, except for last nights events. But that has nothing to do with me oversleeping.

"Yes." My voice comes out squeaky and I hurriedly clear it. "I had a late night craving."

"Oh, is that right. Well, your aunt and uncle will be here in a few minutes. Come."

She grabs my hand and leads me out of the library, down the many, many stairs until we reach the front voyeur.

My father and brother is already there, standing in front of the doors. My father gives me a scalding look while my brother fights to hide a smirk. I move to my mother's right side as she stands next to me father.

"The lord and lady Heart has arrived, your majesties," a servant bows deeply, then opens the door to a massive carriage.

The outside is painted a deep red, laced with silver here and there. The lord, muscular and tall, steps out first then holds his hand out for the lady.

A delicate hand clasps the lord's, followed by heeled boots, a long flowing pink dress and finally, lady heart.

Her wavy white hair is clasped on top of her head in a graceful half up, half down hairstyle. Her make up is natural but still looks beautiful.

"William!" My father breaks away first.

He walks toward William with open arms. They hug each other for a minute, while the rest of us stand there awkwardly.

"How have you been?" My uncle asks.

"Same old, same old. Lady Emma, it's wonderful to see you again," my father extends his greeting then they both dissapear into the castle.

When they finally dissapear, my mother walks towards Emma. My brother and I glance at each other when we see movement in the carriage.

" Oh its been way to long Emma! "My mother smiles a blinding smile.

Emma hugs my mother then steps back slightly.

" Yes it has been indeed. I have a suprise, " she moves back towards the carriage.

" Rae, you can come out now." Emma smiles back at us, while a girl climbs out.

"Oh, look how grown up she is. I haven't seen you in ages dear. Nikolas, Azara this is Emma's daughter, Rae."

She's petite, with shoulder length white hair. It's very uncommon and I can see my brother is fascinated, trying to meet her eyes.

She has a narrow, straight nose which contrasts nicely with her plump, pink lips. When their eyes meet, they both freeze. My mother and Emma exchange glances, while I stand there very confused.

"It can't be." Emma whispers, covering her mouth.

"What can't be? What's going on?" I ask, frowning.

"They're mates."

What do you guys think of the story so far?? We're almost at the good part... I can't wait!!

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