Chapter 11

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I need to get out. Now! I can't keep doing this. This room I'm in is larger than any room I've ever slept in, yet, I can't seem to breath.

It's suffocating me bit by bit. Draining all of my energy. There has to be a way out! I look out the window, the full moon casting a soft glow on the earth below.

The night is quiet, not even a slight breeze. Maybe when midnight comes, I'll try. I might not succeed but I'll try. If I have to stay here another second I'll go mad.

It's not that it's bad, the people here are actually really nice. But the way my emotions get out of control regarding the princess and then that little touchy subject you shoved me into, was a bit much.

I almost lost it when she mentioned I might be part fae. I'd rather die. I grab my hair in frustration as I keep walking the length of my room, up and down.

You'd think I'd be tired after all the events of today, but I'm surprisingly energetic. It could be the adrenaline from my anger coursing through me.

I still as I hear someone approaching my door. The shadow underneath revealing the person to be male. No female I've ever seen has shoulders that wide or hair that short.

Elven woman tend to keep their hair long and humans would never dare cut theirs as short as to mistake them for a man.

The man pauses in front of my door, before silently cursing. My door handle twists silently and I move into the shadows.

I grab the first thing I can find, which is a book, ready to defend myself. Not that a book can do much damage, but hopefully if I hit him hard enough I'll have a few seconds to come up with a plan.

"Macon?!" A rough whisper fills the air.

I immediately drop the book and step out of the shadows, shock making me do stupid things. The man closes the door silently, walking calmly towards me.

"Blake! How did y-" I start but he cuts me of with a hand covering my mouth.

"Shh!! Do you want to get caught again, boy?!" He growls low in my ear.

I nod my head, indicating he can let me go. He slowly releases me, eyeing me warily.

"How'd you get in the castle?" I whisper, making sure my voice is low enough for only him to hear.

"I'll tell you later. First we need to get you out of here!"

He looks around the room, moving straight for the window as he spots it. Silently, he slides it open, letting in the cool autumn breeze.

I'm glad I didn't decide to shower, because I still have my shoes and training clothes on. Blake beckons for me to follow him as he starts climbing downout of the window. I have no idea what he plans to do, seeing as we're 2 storeys up.

"What are you doing?!" I ask hurriedly, not liking what he's thinking.

"There's a small space to put your feet, we'll walk to the corner over there then climb down the drain pipe. Just like old times," his words drip with sarcasm as he says the last part.

I sigh, looking out the window to the said corner only a few feet to the right. Blake hurriedly climbs out, disappearing from my view.

I carefully climb out, my adrenaline spiking again. It helps calm me in a weird sort of way. I find my balance, quickly walking the few spaces, careful not to fall. That would be very unpleasant.

I catch up with Blake fairly easy, watching as he makes his way down the pipe. I give him a few seconds before climbing down myself.

It's not that difficult and brings a lot of unwanted memories. The slip and stop motion makes me dizzy after a while and I have to wonder how long this pipe is.

After one last slide, I feel my feet making contact with the bend at the bottom, moving onto solid ground.

"Gaurds 3 O'clock. Move!" He whispers.

We blend successfully with the shadows of the nearby bushes as 3 gaurds move past us.

"Did you see Macon in training today? He actually snarled at the general! I've never met anyone with that much guts, " One of the men say.

I rub my neck while Blake gives me a look. They dissapear around the corner before we could here their reply.

We silently move across the expansive lawn, hiding behind an odd tree when we hear something. Finally, after maybe 10 minutes of running and hiding, we reach the gates.

Blake signs with hands to make a distraction while he knocks them out. It was mandatory for all trainees to learn sign language, because you can't talk in situations like this where someone might hear you.

"Did you hear that?" One of the gaurds, Bruce, asks after a grabbed a hand full of rocks and threw it into a bush.

It sort of resembled someone rustling in the bushes, but not quite. Bruce steps out of the gaurd house with an unfamiliar gaurd by his side.

The gaurd must've been on duty all day. Blake moves closer to the gaurd, clearly telling me to take Bruce. We sneak up behind them, Blake blatantly hitting the gaurd over the head.

As his body crumbles to the ground, Bruce yelps in alarm. I grab him from behind, choking him until he falls unconscious.

"I was worried for a second if you can still manage to knock someone out," Blake says coldly.

I glance at him, face stone cold, while we hurry down the dark road towards the town.

I don't say anything, shame making me mute. There's possible excuse for me being captured. I'd take any punishment he deals out for being that stupid.

I wonder what Azara is going to think when she finds out I'm gone? A pang hits my chest at the thought, making me stumble.

Blake glowers at me and I sigh. That girl is going to be the death of me. Even just thinking about her gets me into trouble.

We reach the border of the town, slowing our steps. We don't want to seem suspicious, do we?

The walk to our castle, a lovely nickname Dimitri, my best friend, came up with,was agonizing. Blake ignored me for the whole trip, glaring at nothing in particular while occasionally glancing at me, which resulted in more scowling. I'm in soo much trouble.

"Meet me in the parlor," he says curtly, splitting ways with me.

I walk into the gigantic house, suddenly feeling small. Even though I've been cooped up in that castle for what feels like years.

I head past the stairs into a wide open space, filled with couches and lazy boys. I few card tables and pool tables coat the middle of the room.

A bar sits at the far corner, stocked with all kinds of drinks. Herzwesten Beer, a dark beer, produced only every seven hundred years, a few big bottles of vodka, hell even absinthe. Which of course, is banned from the seelie kingdom, not that Blake cares.

"Macon! We were all sick with worry, where've you been?!" Dimitri strolls in, not an ounce of worry on his face.

I sigh as I take in his overly large body, crowding the room. His black onyx eyes stare into mine, trying to make me cower.

Hah! Like that's gonna happen. I roll my eyes at his antics before he grabs my head, scratching my head.

"Would you stop doing that! You're messing up my hair."

I wrestle out of his arms, patting my hair with a pout. Dimitri is strange. No one really knows his origins, but because of his eyes and his sheer strength everyone assumes he's part demon.

Not that he acts like it. His boisterous laugh fills the air andI can't helo but smirk. I've missed my brother.

"Dimitri, either you stay and get punished or you leave!" Blake growls from the doorway.

Dimitri frowns but bows his head and walks past Blake. When he's behind him, he sticks out his tongue, slicing his throat with his finger.

I suppress another eye roll as Blake closes the door and walks towards me. A brand new, silver whip clutched in his hand.

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