Chapter 25

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I stare at myself for a second before taking it off. I think I found my dress for the ball. I tell myself I'll only wear it this once, creating an illusion that my mother is still here.

I grab one of the dress covers, zipping it up safely inside. I grab the shoes and hurry out of the room, glancing back one last time before closing the door.

I walk back to my room without any incident. The dress is safely stored in my closet, and the shoes packed away. I head out, looking for Nik.

I find him in the billiard room with a few guys. They all nod as I walk in and I give them a small smile. They all look very surprised but recover quickly.

My brother walks towards me with glee.

"You're in a good mood."

"Yea, I was in the kitchen making banana cookies with the new servants."

I walk over to one of the couches with him. He pours me a cup of tea and I take it gratefully.

"That's good. I'm thrilled to see your smiling. I've missed you." He says, giving me a warm smile.

"Yea, I've missed me to. I wanted to talk to you about something."

The noise inside dims as everyone tries to eavesdrop. I catch a few men glancing at me out of the corner of their eye.

"Alright." He looks warry and shifts ij his seat.

"How do you feel... about a ball?" I look at the floor, avoiding his gaze.

I'm afraid of what he'll say or if he'll find it silly. We are preparing for a war after all.

"Are you kidding?! That's great! We can invite all your friends and other courts, maybe find your mate and we can throw it in honor of your birthday!" He jumps up and down like a little child.

A wave of whispering starts at the mention of my birthday. The day I my father was suppose to step down.

I force a small onto my face but my mood is once again crushed at the thought of my parents.

" My birthday. I completely forgot about it." I voice comes out a bit strained but luckily Nik doesn't notice.

"Friday. We don't have a lot of time! I'll inform everyone and you start sending out letters. We'll work on the decorations later."

"But -"

I try to get a word in, but he's so excited that he doesn't hear me. He mumbles something about seeing Rae again.

"Everyone is invited!" I shout after him as he distractedly walk out of the room.

I sigh and glance around at the grinning men. They al give me slight bows when I move out of the room.

Nik wants me to find my mate. Maybe if we invite the season courts I'll find him. It couldn't be that hard, right?

The rest of my day is spent in my father's office. My office. My hands ache after a while of writing letters.

So far I've sent out letters to the Summer and Winter courts. They have always been gokd friends with my mother.

Autumn court might be the most difficult because of the year old feud between my father and his cousin.

I rub my sore eyes and lean on my arms. I haven't slept for weeks and it's finally catching up to me.

I was finally starting to dose of when a knock at the door startles me awake. I groan but straighten my hair.

"Come in!"

A young man hesitantly steps into my office. He's fidgeting with his hands and won't glance up.

"I won't bite, " I say softly.

He looks up suddenly, suprise written all over his face.

"Y - your m - majesty, the e - elders have asked t - to speak with you." He stutters, still looking at the floor.

"What's your name?" I lean forward on my hand, eyeing him more closely.

"W - what?"

"Your name?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Maximus, but everyone calls me Max." His stutter dissapears when his shoulders relax slightly.


"Tell me Max. What do you do in the castle?" I slowly stand up from my seat and walk towards him.

"I - I run e - errands for everyone."

He's about an inch taller than myself and when I hook my arm around his waist, his face goes bright red.

"Is that so? I must say Max, you do look awfully familiar. Have I seen you before?" We walk down the hall together, towards the grand staircase.

"Y - yes your majesty."

A mischievous glint over takes my eyes as I prepare to shock him out of his stutter.

"Mhm, is that right. Well Eric I must say, you've changed quite a bit and your hair has gotten longer."

He stops abruptly. Shock and mortification cloud his face. He looks at me in horror and I can't help the laugh that escapes me.

"You didn't really think I wouldn't recognize you, did you?" I wipe the tears from my eyes as his horror morphs into a grin.

"I didn't think you would. After all, it's been like 5 years."

"Yes, unfortunately. My mother got in a fight wuth yours and we had to pay the price. It's wonderful to see you by the way."

We reach the stairs and I stop to look at him for a second. He's grown up since I last saw him.

Finally getting his growth spurt that he soo desperately wanted and his voice has deepened.

"Why are you here, running around as an errand boy?" I frown when he looks down again.

"Your kingdom isn't the only one that got attacked. I was away on assignment with my father when it happened. No one survived."

I put my hand over my mouth. This can't be happening! Why is Aric doing this? It can not simply be because he hates light fae.

"My father sent me here to ask for your help and to warn you. But by the time I arrived, I was too late."

We start moving down the stairs again and I can here the murmur of voices from the war room.

"I am truly sorry. Is your father at your castle?"

"Yes, people that fled heard about us and they've slowly been coming back. No one saw it coming."

We reach the room and everyone stops at the sight of Eric. The elder's face, who I assumed sent Eric to fetch me, is contorted in rage.

"How dare you talk to the queen like she's your equal!" He practically shouts.

Eric glances at me and I motion for him to defend himself with a grin plastered on my face.

"I, am prince Eric of the Winter court. You are right, I am not her equal at this moment, but I am above you and you will adress me with respect."

I see Nik leaning against a bookshelf with a huge grin plastered on his face. I'm sure he's missed our friend as well.

" I - I am an elder!" The elder shakes with untamed rage.

" You are not my elder." He states calmly.

" Brother calm down. He is a prince." His sister says to him.

After he calmed down some, Cook appears with a barely hidden laugh.

"Now that that is out of the way. We must discuss the matter of the ball."

The ball!!! Oh my gosh I can't wait!!

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