Chapter 22

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Wandering around the back yard has been my only way to relax lately.

Since the frost and Dimitri having to go to the mountains with Macon, I've been a wreck.

My brother tries to cheer me up but I can see it in his eyes that he's just as  miserable and that he misses Rae.

The Heart's decided that it's not safe in my kingdom so they took Rae home.

I can't really blame them though, I don't necessarily feel safe. Every now and then it feels like something is watching me from within the forrest.

Sometimes when I turn fast enough, I get a glimpse of a shadow with red eyes.

It's nerve wracking to say the least. At least the training has improved. The men have all learned the basics and I feel stronger from training with them now and then.

"You're not suppose to be out here alone."

I smother a scream as Nik's hand clasps my shoulder. I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I didn't even hear him approaching.

"Yea, I know, " I sigh and turn to look at him.

He seems to have aged about 10 years. He has dark circles under his eyes and he looks beyond tired.

"Come on, the elders are almost here."

"Already?" I rub the bridge of my nose.

I thought I had another day before they arrive. I don't necessarily want to see them.

The elders think just because they're the oldest fae, apart from the originals, they can make all of the rules.

This 'war' we have with Aric needs to be approved by them.

We have to give them prove that my parents were killed by them otherwise we have to stop with everything and go on with our lives like nothing happened. I won't tolerate that.

"You know, I think you should contact Dimitri. They'd be valuable allies and I think you miss Macon. There was some kind of -"

"Nothing. There was nothing. And I don't want to include them until it's absolutely necessary."

We enter the castle, walking towards my father's - my war room. Everything is dark when we enter and I immediately go on the defence.

Because the elders are so old, they've developed certain skills.

One being able to see in the dark, while the rest of us walk blindly.

"Have you found the sword?" One of the women asks me.

I'm a bit taken aback by her question, also trying not to shriek from how close she sounded.

"What sword?" I feel Nik's hand inch closer to mine and I grip his for dear life.

I don't like these fae. They're beyond creepy and can ruin your life in a mere seconds.

"Are you telling me you don't have it?" A male voice says from the back, calm yet angry.

"I - What sword?" I wrack my brain to remember if my parents ever told me about a special sword.

"The one that can kill your whole family."
" The one your father was suppose to tell you about."
"The sword we NEED!"

I shrink back a little as they all practically scream at me.

No one has ever told me about a sword. Kill my whole family?!

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