Chapter 23

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"This is pointless." I slam the book shut.

I've been here about a week and I haven't made any progress. I've been given hundreds of books and thick too.

According to Elijah, I have to learn about Fae's first before I can become one.

Which doesn't really make sense to me but I'm afraid to speak up. He has this way of scaring even the birds away.

I haven't seen much of Victoria lately. I wish she would be around more, she truly is a sight for sore eyes.

"We've only just begun, what are you talking about, " DT says from across me.

"What do you mean!? We've been here for at least 8 hours!" I throw my hands up in frustration.

I seriously don't want to be here. I miss my friends and my home. It's too quiet here, at home, people would be up since dawn.

Animals would scurry around outside and you could here children screaming as they play various games.

Here, here it's just quiet. No animals, no wind, no children, nothing.

I had a difficult time falling asleep the first few nights, mostly due to the quiet but also because of the nightmares.

I don't really know what they're about. Just some vague images of the princess and lots of blood.

DT also refuses to tell me why we left the castle and how I ended up being fae.

"Knowledge takes time. Be patient."

"I can't! I've been stuck here for a week, doing nothing but read until my eyes bleed. And for what? So that I can become a creature that killed my parents?"

I punch the wall, creating a dent and most likely some breaks in my knuckles. The pain feels good, it distracts from the now.

I look down at my hands and punch the wall again. And again, and again until DT forces me back.

Blood smears the wall, dripping down my finger as I pant. He lifts his brow but leads me to a table.

"You need to calm down. Maybe I can talk to Elijah about starting your training early."

I watch as he takes out some bottles and a bandage from a nearby cabinet. One of the bottles has a yellow liquid, a strong smelling antiseptic.

"Why do I need training? Why do I need to be fae? Why, why, why!!" I push my palms into my face.

DT yanks my hands away from my face and start applying the yellow liquid.

It hurts like hell and my first instinct is to wrench my hands away. But alas, DT has a very strong grip and pulls my back.

"Why are you acting like this!? You've always loved sparring and training until you collapse. Is it Azara?"

"What, no! I just feel trapped. I want to get out of this bloody house. It's suffocating."

DT frowns but starts wrapping my hands with bandages. Blood seeps through, staining the fabric red.

"Sorry about the wall."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go talk to Elijah."

We walk out into the forrest-backyard. I take a deep breath, savoring the crisp clean air. Finally, after all this time I'm allowed to come outside.

The group is on the far side of the house under a dense tree. They're all sitting in a circle, talking quietly.

"We've been waiting for you." Victoria's voice is like a sweet melody.

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