Chapter 31

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Where am I?

What happened?

Without opening my eyes I try to figure out where I am. The bed I'm lying in smells of vanilla and pine, which means it's not mine.

I slowly open my eyes, just to come face to face with a sleeping Eric. I quickly try to move away but he unconsciously wraps his arms around me.

Lying there, stiff as a board, everything come crashing back. The dancing and the laughing and eating, oh my goodness the food!

My mouth starts watering as I remember the chocolate covered cookie balls and the Turkish delight, not to mention the heavenly brownies Cook always makes.

She says it's a family recipe and won't teach me how to make them. Snapping out of my thoughts, I look towards Eric again.

Last night was wonderful. Around midnight, my feet were too sore to keep dancing so to my astonishment, he picked me up and carried me to this room.

I'm assuming it's his from the smell. His smell. I must've fallen asleep in his arms because I don't remember entering into the room.

Moving a stray hair behind his ears, I accidentally wake him up. His lashes flutter as he struggles to open his eyes.

"Hey sleepy head," I whisper softly.

He smiles and inches closer to me. After a few seconds, he's fast asleep. I trace patterns on his shirt for a few minutes but my thoughts start to wander.

How can I do this to Macon? Sure we never REALLY had any connection besides the one in his room.

But looking back, I always wanted to be near him and I pretty much freaked out when I thought he died.

Why do I feel like this when I have the perfect guy in front of me? It's not like he made much of an effort to get to know me.

Feeling awful, I quietly slide out from under Eric. He groans and tries to reach for me in his sleep, but ultimately gives up and falls back asleep.

I look down to see I'm in nothing but my underwear, blushing bright red thinking about him undressing me.

Putting on my dress from last night, I quietly tip toe back to my room. It's still very early and everyone is most likely still asleep.

Once I reach my room, I draw a bath. Sitting in the warm rose water relaxes me completely. I should've done this weeks ago.

I go over my thoughts again and decide to do a bit of research on that connection between me and Macon.

Climbing out, I put on a think wool coat over a pair of leggings and a long sleeved shirt. My thigh high boots match nicely with my attire.

If only my mother could see me now, she'd probably skin me alive. For some reason the air has gotten colder.

Walking down the hall, I take comfort in the silence surrounding me. Reaching the front door, I notice that the sun is only now starting to rise.

Wow, I didn't know I was up this early! A strong wind blows my hair side ways, exposing my neck and sending goosebumps down my arms.

Walking around the garden, I let my mind wander. The town, the insects and even the birds are quiet. It's almost eerily silent.

Nearing the forrest, I decide to go to the river where I talked to Eric. Sitting on a rock near the stream, the water lulls me into a daze.


"Who's there?!" My head whips around.

Searching the trees for the source of the sound, I slowly get up. Walking closer, I see a shadow.

"I can see you! Come out."

A pair of red eyes materialize in front of me. My heartbeat sky rockets and I take a step back.

"Who are you?" I whisper softly.

Transfixed on the red eyes, my feet move towards it without my permission.

The closer I get, the more a body appears. Standing at around 2 meters and towering over me, he looks terrifying.

Pitch black hair fall down his back, ending mid waist. The redness dims and green orbs start to appear.

"You're even more beautiful than they said."

He reaches out and touches my cheek, almost to make sure I'm real. Frozen in place, I can only stare.

His mouth twitches up into a grin and I get a glimpse of his fangs.

Wait fangs?!

Oh shit!

My mind kicks into gear and I step out of range. His grin fades but he still has a small smile.

"I'm Bryce. You might've heard about my brother Elijah," he says.

My eyes grow wide. He's an original! This is bad, very very bad. And according to the stories, he's one of the bad ones.

"I have. Is there a reason you're here?" I ask, surprised that my voice stayed steady.

"There is. I was intrigued. Aric seems to be enthralled by you."

I nod my head slowly, trying to stay positive and not freak out. I doubt anyone will come looking for me because it's not even an hour after dawn.

The gaurds, Cook and the elders are also away on a mission. They're trying to extract some of the spies we sent to Aric's castle.

They're also sending new ones in. Hopefully we get some valuable information.

"I thought he wanted Macon."

"Well yes, but he dissapeared."

We stare at each other, waiting for the other to make a move or say something.

"Azara?! Please tell me you're here! " Eric's panicked voice comes from behind me.

I turn and see him between the trees, brushing aside branches. Looking back, Bryce is gone. I rush towards Eric, engulfing him in a hug.

"There you are! What's wrong?" He asks, brushing my hair out of my face.

"I - He... we have a problem," I say softly.

He frowns but leads me back to the castle. People rush out from the castle, some looking panicked and some relieved.

"Oh my gosh you scared us!"
"Where were you?!"
"What happened?"
"Are you ok?"

Dew and Mary push to the front of the crowd surrounding me. She takes one look at me and takes my hand.

"She's fine, everyone can go back to what they were doing."

She pushes through the crowd, taking me back inside. Eric walks on my one side while Dew and Mary walk on the other side.

Closing the door behind me when we reach the war room, I lean my forehead against the door.

" We have a problem. "

I turn around and take a seat on the couch near the bookshelf. Closing my eyes for a second, taking a deeo breath, I open them to see everyone staring at me.

"The original vampires have an alliance with Aric."

Oof intense. What do you guys think? ❤️
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