Chapter 33

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"Listen, Vicroria. I can't do this. I like Azara, for some reason. You need to back of," I say half heartedly.

It's been 2 days since Elijah took me to the village. Since then, everyone has been planning and researching ways to stop the vampires.

Victoria on the other hand, has been trying to get me alone ever since.

Everytime someone would step in, but they're all somewhere at the back of the house, looking for some kind of plant.

She, unfortunately, took the opportunity to corner me. I was just about to leave after grabbing an apple from the kitchen, when she blocked my way.

Standing behind the island, I'm trying to think of a way out. She's locked the door, so that's out and the windows are to small for me.

"Why, what did she ever do to deserve your affection?"

She's moving closer to me and by the feel of it, using her powers. My feet are frozen and I can't move. My head feels fuzzy and she suddenly looks extremely beautiful.

My feet started moving around the island on their own. Reaching her, I took her chin in between my fingers.

Leaning down, my lips almost touched hers. But a voice in my head screamed No!. I stumbled away from her, clutching at my head.

"What the hell!" I almost scream at her.

She frowns while her cheeks burn a bright pink.

"Macon!" Dimitri calls from outside.

Relief floods me as Victoria backs down. She hangs her head and scrambles out of the kitchen.

Leaning on the counter for support, I try to fend of an approaching headache.

"I'm in here!" I yell back.

As he walks in, he looks back to where Victoria fled to. He looks me up and down then, he looks dissapointed.

"You know, it wouldn't be so bad to give into your urges only once," he says with a mischievous look.

I look up at him with a raised eyebrow. He motions with his head to follow him.

"I know. It's just, every time I want to, Azara's face keeps popping into my head."

Walking out of the house, I see a scorched piece of land in the distance. The faint smell of smoke still hangs in the air.

"That's ons other thing I have to talk to you about. But first, I'm going to teach you how to use your magic."


"This is pointless," I say, lying on the ground.

After trying for the hundredth time to defend myself by taking his magic away, I'm officially done.

"No it's not. You almost had it that time," he says.

You can hear the slight annoyance in his voice, bht otherwise he hides it very well.

He's also not a bad teacher, walked me through all the steps and what I'm suppose to do.

I just suck at this.

"Fine, I'll try it again."

Standing with my arms spread in front of me, he charges. I use the maneuver Blake taught is when we were little.

I grab his left harm with my right, using his momentum against him. Inhaling sharply, like he told me to, I feel a slight tingle run up my arm.

Opening my eyes I see flames dancing across my skin. In my excitement, I breath out all the air I inhaled and the flames dissapear.

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