Chapter 35

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The next few days were a whirlwind of activity. We devised a new strategy, changing a few key defenses and attacks.

Everyone has been preparing, training, gathering supplies and me... I read as many books about the original vampires.

I got the bare minimum of information about them though , but I did find a whole lot about royal fae unlocking their powers before it manifested.

Apparently, keeping it unlocked is the hard part. I tried many of the tricks, trying to unlock it again. But alas, it didn't work.

On the last night before the 'big battle' I was trying to unlock my powers one last time. Sitting on the floor of my bedroom, I take deep breaths. In and out.

Calming every muscle in my body, until it feels like I'm floating. Now, the book said to reach out with your mind, find the missing link.

"This is so stupid," I say to myself.

"What's stupid?"

I let out a scream as my eyes fly open. Nik is standing in front of me, slightly leaning forward, with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"You scared me," I say.

He slowly sits down next to me, resting his head in his hand. He looks at me curiously. He seems to be doing better, maybe letting go of Rae for a while was a good thing.

"Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you. What were you doing anyway?"

Stretching out my legs and leaning on my arms, I try to relax again. Wearing a soft white shirt and leggings makes it much easier.

A fun perk of being queen, you can wear whatever you want. I was so sick of trying to blend in and act queenly, so I asked the seamstress to make me a pair of comfortable pants.

"I was trying to use my powers," I sigh.

Playing with a piece of fluff on the floor, I try not to look at him. For some reason, I feel so ashamed of trying to figure my powers out.

"The terrifying, pulling intestines out of people, power?" He asks, looking bewildered.

I roll my eyes, giving him a side long glance.

"Yes, but I also felt something else. There was more, I just... lost the connection to quickly."

He seems to be thinking it over for second before sitting with his legs crossed and back straight, closing his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Amusement coating my tone.

"I'm helping," he opens his eyes a crack and grins. "Come on now, sit straight, close your eyes."

Doing as he says, I can't help but smile. I've missed my baby brother. We haven't talked for a while, or seen each other for that matter.

A comfortable silence coats the room as I try to see my minds eye. I struggle immensely, not ever having done this before.

Just before I decide to call it a day, a spark lights up the inside of my brein. Or I hope it was just my imagination. Frowning, I try to follow where the light was.

Imagining a path, I follow along it, getting glimpses of light here and there. My vision slowly starts to shift, guiding me into a room like space.

Looking around, I can see myself on the floor, mumbling incoherently while Nik is panicking. A flash of colour makes me look up, only to come face to face with my mother.

"Mom!" I sob escapes my lips as I run towards her.

She engulfs me in a hug and the tears just start flowing. Brushing my hair softly with her hand, she makes cooing noises.

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