Chapter 30

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"Macon, it's been 4 days. You need to eat something, " Dimitri says from beside my bed.

I have literally been rotting in bed for the past few days. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I keep having these strange dreams about Azara.

I probably smell like rotten fish, but at this point I don't care. Everything hurts, from my toes to the top of my head.

It feels like something is trying to crawl out of my chest. Clawing and clawing. I had a fever the first night, but luckily that passed without much damage.

"Mhmff," I say into the pillow before looking the other way.

He's silent for a moment before grabbing my foot from underneath the blanket and pulling me. I yelp as I land on the cold floor.

"Seriously! That was uncalled for." I say, rubbing my shoulder where it hit the floor.

"Oh no, that was definitely uncalled for. You need to come outside, Seth needs to unlock the other half of your powers ."

I back away from him as quickly as I can, rolling over the bed and putting it in between us.

"No way! I'm in enough pain as it is."

Dimitri sighs and rubs his eyes. He looks tired... and old. He must've aged 100 years since we got here. I'm probably not helping.

"Elijah," he says in a calm voice.

Elijah steps out from inside the shadows. He looks menacing with a wicked grin plastered on his face.

"We're going to take a walk."

He says before dissapearing and reappearing next to me. Before any sound can escape my lips, he grabs my arm and everything goes white.

Appearing at the bottom of the mountain was not fun. I stumbled forward and gagged. Feeling woozy, I sit down on the ground with my head between my knees.

"See what you did. If you would've just co-operated I could've given you something for the sickness," Elijah says in a calm voice.

Groaning, I glare at him from the ground. He smirks back at me and extends his hand. Grabbing it I stumble to my feet.

Vertigo overtakes me and I almost fall down again. He holds onto my arm until I find my balance.

" Where are we going?" I ask once he let's go and starts walking.

"We're going to visit a friend of mine. Plus, Dimitri is tired of your crap." He smirks back at me.

I roll my eyes but fall into step beside him. The walk is quiet and very much uncomfortable. Elijah also keeps glancing at me then nodding to himself.

I'm thoroughly creeped out when the green trees and grass turn black. I look to Elijah, but he also seems worried.

"Why are the trees burned?" I ask when he stops to examine one.

"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right."

We both look up sharply when a scream pierces the air. Elijah dissapears and I groan.

He probably teleported. I start running in the direction of the scream. A few minutes later I burst through a clearing.

I can see smoke coming from most of the houses and people running around. I look around but can't see Elijah, so I rush to nearest person, checking if they're ok.

The lady is in histerics and clings to my arm like it's a lifeline. I calm her down, then I head further into the village.

Nearing the centre I find Elijah teleporting people from houses. Everywhere you look, flames lick the air.

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