Chapter 8

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I frown but luckily my dad arrives,taking over.

"Who is he?" He addresses my mom.

"A spy for Aric. He claims we have something of his," she says without ever taking her eyes of him.

"Oh?" My dad goes to stand next to my mom, looking deep into his eyes, probably feeling him out.

His eyes darken for a split second before turn to the guards. You see, my parents have very strong powers because they're the king and queen, but my father has multiple powers. The ones my mom have,mind control and mind reading, he got after they mated but his own true powers are more terrifying.

For one, he can call blood to come out of any opening in a living creatures body, so long as he's focused solely on that person. Another I, unfortunately, witnessed when I was younger while exploring where I wasn't suppose to. Secret passages hidden in the wall led me to a secret room, where my father and some generals were interrogating someone.

My father must've gotten mad because the next thing I knew, the air was forced out of the room, leaving all of us except my father to gasp and suffocate. Once he decided that his threat was successfully delivered, he let all the air in. The prisoner was so scared that he urinated on himself, but I was to afraid and hurried away. Nightmares plagued me for some time after that, sometimes they still do.

"Fetch me Macon," he says, a slight growl in his voice.

My frown deepens but I stay quiet. Luckily he didn't use his powers on this poor kid. I know not to mess with my parents when they're like this, so I try to stay out of the way. There's a reason why they're the king and queen, sometimes I tend to forget.

"Right away sir!" A gaurd rushes back inside, fear clear on his face.

A few minutes pass where my parents softly talk to each other. I glance nervously at the guards around me. They all give me a quick glance but don't say anything, not wanting the king's fury to be directed to them.

My brother rushes out first, I haven't seen him for a while and it already looks like he's grown a bit, with Luka and the gaurd coming out next and Macon trailing behind them. Luka takes the space between me and the kid, probably thinking that I need protecting. I bristle a little bit at this, but let it go. Deciding know isn't the time.

"Macon! So wonderful to have you join us." My father says sarcastically.

Macon frowns and looks at all of us then glances at the boy. His frown deepens but no recognition registers on his face. His face goes blank when he looks at my father. An ice cold expression adorning his face.

"Yes sir? I was summoned," he says.

"Right, well, I need you to answer some question. It would be wise not lie to me for the time being," my dads voice drops to a growl, his eyes darkening in threat.

"Dad..." I begin, but my mother sends me a look and I shut my mouth.

"Do you know this boy?" My dad's tone changes again and he sounds almost eery.

"I don't ." Macon says, his voice emotionless.

My dad studies him for a second before coming to some conclusion. He looks back at the boy, grabbing his shirt. He lifts him up to eye level.

"Why does Aric want Macon?" He asks the boy.

"I - I don't know!" The boy stutters, clearly afraid now.

"He's telling the truth father," Nikolas finally speaks up for the first time.

He's an empath, he can sense people's emotions and manipulate them however he wants. He's only at the beginning of his training though, so all he can do at the moment is sense emotions, but I've heard of some empath generals who used it to make enemies kill their own.

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