Chapter 37

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Everything went so horribly wrong. We had them and then... so many fae marched over that hill. I tried to get to the shape shifters but Aric got to me first.

I saw Macon a split second before they were upon us. I wanted to scream but everything happened to quickly.

"Let her go!" Macom growls from in front of me.

He still hasn't been able to get to his feet. Somehow, I can feel his pain and panic. Dimitri must've finally made him fae again.

The gag in my mouth is preventing me from saying anything and the chains holding my arms over my head makes it impossible for me to move.

Whimpering, I try to warn Macon about the man, but he doesn't seem to know what I mean. He frowns and keeps glancing at Bryce.

When he finally stumbles to his feet, the man presses the blade closer to my back. I can feel a warm, wet spot forming on my back.

Letting out another whimper, Macon sinks to his knees again. The pain must be magnified somehow.

"This is so much better than we planned, " Aric laughs.

He walks closer to the bars, unlocking the door. I try to move, but the blade presses harder against my back. Aric starts beating on Macon and I try to scream.

I feel the pain with each blow, as if he's hitting me. I can feel Macon starting to lose consciousness when Bryce steps in and holds him back.

Macon coughs up blood while more blood drips down my back. Pain radiates through me, tears streaking my cheeks.

"Aric, look," Bryce says to Aric.

They both look at me and Aric frowns. Why are they staring at me? I'm in sooo much pain!!

"Untie her."

I'm confused my Aric's command. Once the binds leave my wrists I fall forward onto my hands.

Looking at my arms, I find that all the bruises and cuts on Macon's arms are on mine. What is going on?!

I move slightly, but cry out when my ribs crack in protest. I collapse, holding my ribs. Bryce kneels next to me, wiping a stray hair from my face.

"They're connected," he says quietly.

"Well unconnect them!" Aric shouts.

Bryce softly picks me up and I scream in pain. He looks down at me with concern, carrying me out of the cell.

"She needs to heal first. You also can't harm Macon anymore. When I've broken the tie, you can do whatever you want with him."

I'm tethering on the edge of consciousness, my vision starting to fade. Another step makes me scream again and I miss the rest of what they're saying.


Waking up in a soft bed, covered with bandages and a heavy blanket, is very strange. The last thing I remember is Macon being assaulted by Aric.

As I move, the pain and memories start to come back. Startled, I jump when a shadow moves in the corner. I whimper again, the ache of my ribs causing tears to stream down my face.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. How're you feeling?" Bryce says, stepping out of the shadows.

I move away from him as far as I can, holding in a scream as pain shoots through me. He comes closer and grabs my ankle, dragging me back towards him.

"Why are you scared of me?" He says, very close to my face.

I try to tell him to back off, but my voice is gone. All that comes out is air. He leans even closer and I turn my head away in disgust.

How I ever thought he was attractive is beyond me. All I see is a monster, feeding on an innocent girls terror. He growls against my ear and moves away.

"Fine, think what you will. I must say, you look a lot different than the last time I saw you."

I frown, trying to move away again. With lightning quick reflexes, he grabs my ankle again. He squeezes it until I whimper.

"Don't you remember. That pathetic general had you cornered outside the kitchen. You don't recognize my voice?"

As I think back, I shiver in remembrance of that day. I'm so glad that slimy piece of trash is gone. I remember him talking to someone in the kitchen, but I couldn't see who it was.

His voice echoes back inside my head and I stare, horrified, at him. He smirks at my expression. Reaching behind him, he gives me a glass if water.

Taking it slowly, I take a small sip. It taste strange but it soothes my throat and I take another gulp and another and another.

I feel drowsy and my eyes start to droop. He pushes me back until I fall onto the bed, unconsciousness taking over. The last thing I see is his regretful expression.



Couching up blood isn't fun, let me tell you that. You're whole body convulses and that iron taste never goes away.

I wish I had Asher's healing powers. I also can't get Azara's expression nor her screams out of my head. I wish I could've done something, but there was an intense pain on my back.

I caught a glimpse of a knife pressed against her back before Aruc started hitting me. His punches weren't as bad as his kicks and I'm pretty sure he broke my ribs.

A while back, I succeeded in sitting up. I got a glimpse of the cell they put me in and let me tell you, it's freezing!

Sure the pain is bad, but my body has gone numb from the pain and all I can feel at the moment us the cold pressing against my back.

I hear footsteps coming from somewhere. I try to lift my head but I can only manage to turn it to the side. Elijah's brother stands in front of my cell, holding a plate.

"You're... Elijah's... brother," I wheeze out.

He looks a bit taken aback but recovers quickly. He unlocks the cell and moves closer to me. He puts down the plate and a glass of clear liquid, which I'm hoping is water.

"I am. Not suprised that he told you though. The names Bryce and you must be the 'key' everyone's talking about."

He leans against the bars like he doesn't really care. Grabbing the water, I look at it carefully. It looks kind of milky, not worth it.

"What key? And why did Blake bring me here?" I ask, taking a bite out of the sandwich.

It's not so bad, but I'm pretty sure one of the ingredients has gone off. Trying not to make a face, I swallow the whole thing in a few bites.

"I'd drink the water. It's suppose to make you heal," he says, ignoring my questions.

Grunting, I ignore the water. For all that I know, it's poison. If it's true and I'm connected to Azara, I'm not taking that chance.

Yes, I heard the conversation. Nothing past that though, the pain was to much. I've sort of figured out that that's why I felt the pain in my back.

"Fine, don't drink it. Just know that Azara is suffering more than you are if you don't."

He leans forward and I instinctly lean back. He smirks as I reprimand myself for showing any weakness. I know that I'm beaten up but that doesn't matter.

"Just do as I say and you might just make it out of here alive."


So so so so close!!

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