Chapter 9

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"Why?" I ask, really confused why he would risk such a thing.

"Well you seem to like him and we needed an extra pair of arms since the threat last month."

I consider his words, remembering the bomb. Some dark fae snuck into town and blew up a few houses. My father was livid, I don't think those fae made it back to their castle alive.

" Do you think I'm not capable of defending myself?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

"He didn't do it to insult you, princess. Only trying to do his job to protect you," Sam butts in.

"I get that. What I don't get is why you didn't ask me?" I can see Jack visibly pale.

"I - I couldn't find you! I just... Luka and I were stationed together and your father said to assign Macon."

"My father?!" I was beyond mad now, livid even.

He knows exactly how I feel about choosing my own guards. I look at Jack, smiling slightly.

"Your safe. But next time..."

I waggle my finger at him as I hear Luka exhale. I storm of, again, in search of my father.

I burst into my father's study after searching the war room, the throne room and even his bedroom. I'm sure Luka is fed up with me by this point, but when I tried to excuse him he refused.

General Ashton is sitting in front of his desk while Nikolas is searching for a book on his huge bookshelf. My father leans back as he spots me, probably noticing the look on my face. I straighten my body, changing the look on my face to one of calm.

"Daddy dearest, I've been looking for you all over the place!" I exclaim slowly making my way to his desk.

"Oh, well why? I told you this morning we're all going to be here," my father looks at me amused.

I'm sure he knows that I zoned out this morning for a few minutes.

"I must've... forgot. Daddy may I talk to you alone," I look towards Ashton as I say that last part.

"Nonsense! Whatever you have to say you can say in front of all of us," my dad says gesturing around the room.

My mouth falls open. Is he serious?! Sometimes I wonder if he's just clueless or if he's actually doing this on purpose. I really don't want Ashton to hear this.

"Alright fine. Why did you tell my guards to assign Macon to me?" I ask, trying to stay calm.

"Oh yes, I wanted to discuss that with you. Lord and Lady Heart will be visiting us for a week or so and I want you to be safely guarded."

I can see Ashton trying his best not to smirk but I don't mind so much at the moment. William and Emma are coming to visit! My father's best friend has always been my favorite lord out of all of them. Emma also always brings me and Nikolas rare and exquisite sweets.

"When will they be arriving?" I say barely containing my excitement.

"Tomorrow. You'll be guarded at all times, even in your room." He holds up a hand as I try to argue that point. "You may choose which one but the others will still be outside your door. Oh and you are not allowed to be outside castle grounds."

I stare at him wide eyed. I can not believe what I'm hearing. I turn to Nikolas when I hear him snort.

"Don't worry sis, I have to follow the same rules. Your welcome to come to my training if you like." That's the first real sentence he's said to me in months.

"Yea - Yea sure."

There's no way I'll pass up an opportunity to spend some time with my brother. We used to be very close, but ever since he started getting his powers he's been distant.

"In the library, tomorrow at noon," he goes back to searching the bookshelf.

I turn towards my father again, ignoring Ashton's stare. It's making my skin crawl.

"I think I got all of the answers I wanted. Thank you."

I turn towards the door before Ashton, for the first time, says something.

"Sweetheart, remember we have that date planned tomorrow."

I turn around slowly, seeing his smirk. He knows damn well that I never agreed to a date.

"Oh that's wonderful. I'm so glad you changed your mind!" My father says, delighted.

I glare at Ashton, storming out. I know that I'll never be able to get out of it now that my father thinks I agreed to it.

I hate that man so much! Lukas' eyes widen when I storm out, grabbing his arm. I lead him around a corner, far enough so that my father doesn't hear.

"We need to talk. Grab Jack and Macon. Meet me in the garden after dinner, don't keep me waiting."


Sorry I know this is a very short chapter... will make the next one longer 🙈

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