Chapter 34

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Waiting for king Daniel has been nerve wracking to say the least, but them actually showing up was the cherry on the cake.

Nik asked me if I wanted to take a walk that morning. Naturally, I said yes. I haven't really seen my brother lately.

We walked and talked for maybe an hour before the trees started to shake. Fearing it was Bryce, Nik drew his sword.

Walking out of the shadows were maybe hundreds of wolfs and cats alike. Exhaling in relief, King Daniel shifted back.

Standing here now, in front of him, I can not believe the sheer size of this man. He's basically a giant.

"I'm sorry we startled you my queen, prince. We didn't know you were so on edge," he apologizes with a slight bow.

"No need to apologize. I'm sure the journey was long and you are all tired. Please come."

I begin to walk into the castle, sending one of the new servants into the castle to inform Cook that they have arrived.

Despite the fact that Cook doesn't have to be in the kitchen, she spends most her days in there making food.

Nik and I show all of them their rooms before walking down the stairs towards the war room with King Daniel.

"I heard you found your mate dear nephew," Daniel says suddenly.

Nik's ears go red and Daniel laughs, quit loudly I must add. Wincing, I turn my head slightly so that the sound doesn't come from directly beside me.

"Indeed I have. She is with her family for the time being unfortunately," he says and his face falls immediately.

I wish I could've done something about that, but alas it was not my decision.

"I see. Why is she not with you? Meeting your mate is such a wonderful time. I would've thought you'd be lost behind a door by now."

Bursting out into laughter, Daniel looks at me, surprised. A queen is not suppose to laugh so openly, it's training 101.

"And I see our dear Azara is still breaking the rules ever so slightly ," Daniel snickers.

We walk into the room to find it very crowded. Eric, along with the elders and the rulers of the season courts.

Joining in on the discussion, I see the map that we used previously is laid out on top of the table.

"What has the spies found?" I ask James, the Summer King.

The map in front of me is riddle with white and black pins. Aric's attacks have gotten worse these past few weeks. King Daniel and his army arrived just in time.

The shape shifters are deeply wounded by the death of my father and was glad when I asked them to fight.

"The forrest has been breached and all kinds of creatures have been turning up dead in town. Some of the spies in the castle said that they plan to invade in the upcoming week."

Then we'll need extra help. The only people strong enough to keep them at bay are the originals.

"Send a message to Dimitri and Macon. We'll need all the help we can get."

Everyone starts murmuring and looks confused. I forgot not everyone knows who they are. King Daniel seems to know a lot more than he should.

"Dimitri is one of the original fae."

Gasps sound all around the room. I hold my head high as the elders begins to glare at me. I'm aware that the information is not publicly announced, but we need them.

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