Chapter 17

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A few boys who couldn't keep up were given specific instructions on how to gaurd the flag.

They are somewhere up in a tree, blocked mostly by the leaves, with some make-shift daggers to throw. If they're going to play dirty, so are we.

The boys with me have gotten used to crouching and we're moving through the trees almost silently.

As we move, I silently give them some pointers on what to do when you see someone. We made some extra daggers and everyone has one at the moment.

"I'm going to leave you 2 here. If you see someone, take them down. Camouflage yourself with mud and stay in the shadows of the trees. Be as silent as you can when sneaking up on someone. Good luck."

All of them have come to except me, so the 2 boys just nod and start rubbing mud all over their arms.

I turn back to the remaining 10 or so boys, nodding as we start moving once again.

A few minutes later a faint crack sounds from our right. I stop and hold my hand up for silence.

The forest is alight with creatures. Birds singing in the trees, a rabbit scurrying into a hole even a squirrel jumping from tree to tree.

I hear nothing out of the ordinary. I look to DT, knowing he has better hearing than I do.

He cocks his head to the side, falling into a crouch once he picks up something.

He motions to our right. I direct 2 of the boys to go left, 4 to stay here and 2 to come with us to the right.

No one makes a sound as we dissapear. I see movement from our left and stop to make sure they haven't spotted us, before I quietly whisper.

"Get ready to ambush. There are 4 men behind that tree."

Everyone nods and we creep closer. The men are watching only one side of the tree as we walk around the back.

My group from the left side jumps out and pins them before we can and I grin in triumph.

I take out the stick, blowing into it. Tiny silver balls fly out, sticking to the men. They cry out and faint as soon as the balls hit them.

"We have to move, someone must've heard their cry, " I whisper.

I nod towards the other group and we move back towards the place I left the others.

They are all well hidden, but they quickly emerge when they see who it is. We swiftly start moving again.

Everything is quiet for the most part and I start to wonder where the rest of their team is. A while later, we find a river.

"No wait! It could be a trap," I say as one of the boys moves towards it.

The ground around the river is faintly marked by footprints as if they tried to obscure it.

I look more closely and see some leaves covering a large net and I move slowly around them, only to see their dull red coloured flag hanging just inside the thick bush. I head back towards my group.

"We've almost got it. The flag is across the river, but I find it suspicious that we've only encountered a few of their group, so we need a plan."

I give everyone a chance to give their ideas and finally come up with a final plan.

DT and I move straight forward across the river because we have the most fighting experience.

The rest of the boys split up into 2 before moving in various directions. We appointed 2 of the smallest boys to get the flag, while the rest of us distract the men.

By the time we finished and started moving again, the sun is low in the sky.

The forest is beginning to get silent and shadows stretch across the floor.

As soon as we cross the river, whom I assume is Quintin, starts shooting some of the silver balls at us.

I foresaw this and made some shields out of wood. Everyone has something that protects the most vulnerable parts of the body.

DT throws some of the make shift daggers before I could even register what happened.

I few hit their intended target before a few guys jump out at us.

They quickly move towards us and attack, but we've got an advantage.

We've been training together since we were very small. We know each other's weaknesses and strength, so it didn't take but a few seconds to defeat them.

I can hear more fighting just out of sight. We move further into the brush, in sight of the flag.

I spot one of the smaller boys crouching just out of reach of the flag beneath a bush.

I spot his problem, as Quintin comes at us from the side while the twins come at our front.

Once they're distracted, the 2 boys quickly run out, grab the flame and blow the horn.

Everyone comes to a complete standstill as they glance between us and the 2 boys.

Everyone is grinning and starts to cheer. Quintin looks at us, dumbfounded, before grinning back.

We all quickly move out of the trees, gathering behind the castle where we began. I count the heads and notice that the boys we left behind are not here.

"I'll be back. Something still doesn't feel right, the boys aren't here yet."

DT frowns at me while looking around. "I'll come with you."

We tell the boys to hold of the king until we return.

Quintin eyes us suspiciously before we dissapear again. We backtrack through the forest until we reach the North gate.

By this time it's completely dark and the moon is absent as well. I strain my eyes to see around us, but then... DT's eyes become a deep red.

I blanch, but recover quickly, having seen it before.

He moves towards one of the trees, nudging me to climb up. We finally find the boys, almost completely invisible.

"Why didn't you come back? We got the flag," I frown as I see the amount of fear on their faces.

"We heard it, but when we climbed down... there w-was -"

The boy breaks into tears as his friend tries to pick up where he left of.

I glance back but it takes me a second to fine DT, his eyes went back to his normal blackish colour.

"There was something dark. I don't know what it was, I couldn't really see anything. A loud growl pierced the night and we decided to stay hidden."

I rub my chin as I contemplate this. Something serious is going on.

I watch DT as he discreetly snifs the air and cocks his head. He growls softly, apparently only I can hear it though.

He jumps down from the tree and I quickly usher them out of the tree.

We hurry back, but I feel like something is stalking us through the forest and I urge them to go faster.

The moment we reach the edge, it stops. I glance back, seeing red eyes and a big looming black silhouette.

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