Chapter 36

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"Azara wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

My eyes shoot open as someone yanks the blanket of off me, causing me to fall onto the ground. Rubbing my shoulder, I get up.

"What the hel!" I scream.

But I immediately sober up when I see his panicked expression.

"What? What happened?!" I ask, shaking his shoulders when he wouldn't answer me.

"Cook said to let you sleep as long as possible, but we had a sighting about 5 minutes ago on the border. You need to get dressed."

Nodding, I push him out of my room. Quickly grabbing some clothes, I throw on an old training shirt with my leggings and some closed toed shoes.

Throwing my hair into a pony tail, I run out into the hallway. Finding Nik standing nearby, we both hurry to the rest of the people.

He leads me downstairs where Cook and a gaurd is standing next to Eric. He grins at me and I feel slightly uneasy.

I'll never let him see it though. I completely forgot that I asked someone to bring him upstairs before the fight.

3 Days in the dungeon didn't do him any favours. His clothes are filthy and he stinks. I think he soiled his pants at one point because there's a strong smell emanating from him.

"Is everyone in position?" I ask.

"Why bother? We know everything you're going to do." Eric is still grinning.

Ignoring him, I address Cook. She helped with most of our strategies seeing as she was a general some years ago.

"The traps are set on the west border and the everyone else is lined up for the sneak attack."

Slowly but surely I see the grin start to slip from Eric's face and replaced by a horrified expression. Now it's my turn to grin.

A few minutes pass in complete silence when screams start to fill the air. A few explosives go off, sending smoke into the air.

We begin moving towards the forrest, dragging Eric, kicking and screaming, with us. The gaurd puts a gag in his mouth and I glance back, a strange emotion going through me.

Sadness? I don't know, but I won't get over him any time sooner. Why are guys such jerks?

"Queen," a soldier salutes when we pass the river.

Dark fae are littered around the area, most probably dead. It's hard to see so many of my own kind dead, but I guess this is war.

It'll never justify anything though. We follow the soldier to an open field about a yard away from the castle. The sun is only now starting to rise.

Blood and bodies coat most of the area, but over the hill more soldiers are approaching. My people fall back, forming a straight lime facing them.

The noise gets louder and I spot.... a dragon ? Oh this is very very bad. Looking back at everyone, I turn towards Cook, ready to tell them to drop everything.

If it saves everyone, I'll sacrifice myself. They did say they were only there for me. I guess since they didn't need Macon, they targeted me.

"Look," Cook whispers.



"This'll hurt, a lot. When you suppressed your nature, you damaged your soul. Also bringing it back would normally take a few months, but our queen needs us, so it'll have to be now, " Dimitri says

"Alright, what do I have to do? The message from Azara seemed urgent."

"I have to tell you something before we do this."


"When you are a full fae again, you will feel an unimaginable pull towards Azara...because she's your mate."

Today was suppose to be another training day. My power has been improving, but without Seth extracting the rest of my soul, I can't be a full fae.

Dimitri has been giving me all sorts of lessons. History, training that kind of stuff. I've sort of come to accept the whole fae thing but it's still hard.

Elijah suddenly appears as if sensing that I'm thinking about him or something. Seth walks out from behind him, already grabbing my arms.

"This is going to hurt," he says.

I can't even get a breath in before pain makes my body convulse. I didn't even realize I started screaming when my throat started aching.

Falling to my knees, I vaguely see Dimitri kneeling in front of me, holding my head and saying something to me.

Seth's face is crumbled in pain as he concentrates. It takes forever, but finally... it's over. Falling forward, I lie on my side, sobbing.

Victoria, Asher and Talvi come running in, stopping in their tracks. Dimitri is still trying to talk to me, but I can't comprehend anything.

Static is buzzing inside my head, incapacitating me. Asher shoves Dimitri aside, putting his hands on the side of my head.

After a few seconds, the buzzing and pain start to fade, but not completely. Something isn't right.

"Something's pushing me out," Asher says worriedly.

I slowly lift my head, seeing everyone's expressions. Talvi's though, is far away. After a second, his focus snaps back.

"We have to go, NOW!" Talvi grabs ahold of Elijah, whispering fiercely into his ear.

"Grab ahold of each other, this isn't going to be fun. Sorry Macon."

Dimitri and Victoria grabs my hands, still holding me up. White surrounds my eyes, forcing the air out of my lungs.

We land on the ground. Again, I collapse onto the ground. Hearing screams and all sorts of noises around me, I look up.

Looking back at us is Azara. She looks scared out of her mind as the other side starts descending on top of them. Dimitri grabs my arm, yanking me to my feet and starts running.

Elijah teleports, while the rest of us run like hell, only to be stopped by someone appearing in front of him. Asher curses under his breath.

We're about halfway there, when the dark fae reach Azara. I lose sight of her as they surround them. Screams echo through the air and my heart starts racing.

No. No! Fear starts to pulse inside me, only... it's not mine. It must be Azara! The bond. Shit shit shit.

Reaching the mass of fae fighting humans, I frantically search every face I see. Fae starts to attack from all sides and I get distracted.

Fighting people of one by one, I barely make it out alive. The few fae on our side is using their powers to fight everyone of.

I spot Elijah fighting with someone who looks very similar to him. It must be his brother. Blake suddenly appears in front of my face, causing me to stumble.

"Hello my dear son. I'm guessing your new friends have told you everything, so I'll cut to the chase. You are the last piece to our puzzle."

Elijah's brother appears in front of us, grinning... then grabs both our arms and vanishes. The same feeling of when Elijah teleports us, overtakes me.

Only it's much, much worse. My world is covered in black instead of white and it feels like my head is going to explode.

Landing on hard concrete, my hand touches something wet. Eventually when my vision clears and I can finally breath again, I look up.

I'm in a cell. Elijah's brother and Blake is outside, leaning against the wall, carefully monitoring my expression.

Getting onto my knees, I hear a whimper. Azara.

Eish, intense.
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